It is really interesting getting to tell everyone about my favorite meal. I must this is really great alongside getting to read other person's posts on this and getting to know at least a thing about them which is their favorite meal/food.

As asked in the question which is stated below, I will therefore like to tell you all about my favorite meal in line with the guiding question as discussed in the subsequent paragraph below.

It is really interesting getting to tell everyone about my favorite meal. I must this is really great alongside getting to read other person's post on this and getting to know at least a thing about them which is their favourite meal/food.

As asked in the question which is stated below, I will therefore like to tell you all aobut my favorite meal in line with the guided question as discussed in the subsequent paragraph below.

Your Favourite Food
This can be any food at all. It can be local or foreign dish. What matters is that you just love eating it. Tell us why you love it and how it is prepared.


Let me start by letting you all Know that my Favourite food/meal is BEANS. This is one of the meals I always like having.

Beans are a body-building food that contains lots of protein in it to enable us to grow and help repair damaged tissues in our body system. This meal is very much one of the best meals to feed a child with and it has proven very effective in the growth of children.

As a child, I never much fancied this meal but my Dad always insist we have them, in his voice, he will be like `You have to eat beans for it will help you a lot but with my childish mind back then I was very much carefree and never saw reasons why he said so. But what I later discovered later in was that I was not being a fan of this meal simply because of the way it was being prepared.

I later discovered I really love this meal when I traveled to visit my senior brother and beans were basically eaten there like 3 to 4 times a week with a different method of preparation which really got me and now here I am loving this meal(Beans) like never before and here I am eating it like almost every day without getting tired of it.

So below is therefore a step by step way Of How my Favourite meal(Beans) is prepared:
First of all, I will list all the required ingredients/items needed to prepare this meal.

  • Beans (Depends on the quantity you want)
  • Fresh or Dried Peper
  • Some cubes of Maggi
  • Some kinds of seafood like crayfish, fresh/smoked fish, lobsters, etc.
  • A fruit of Onion (Depends on how much you eat/like this in your meals)
  • Red oil(Palm oil)/Vegetable oil (Depends on which you like using for me I always go with Red Oil).
  • Little amount of Salt.
  • water.

Immediately all these ingredients are ready, then you will have to proceed with the preparation of the meal.

  • For me, the first thing I usually do I put some water on the gas cooker while I take care of the beans by either cleansing them of some dirt then after I have to wash the beans with cold water. After this is done, I will have to put the beans into the water on the gas cooker.

  • After these, I will have to wait for over 20 minutes to allow the beans to boil so the dirty water can be removed (hence filtering the beans from the dirty water).

  • Then I will have to put in clean water on the gas back and insert the beans after washing and allow them to boil until it gets soft.

  • At this stage, all my ingredients like the pepper would have already been blended, alongside the crayfish, also the onion (for I don't like onion in my beans though so using it I will have to blend it). Once all these things are prepared, I will have to put the already blended pepper into the pot of beans on the gas cooker, add a cube of Maggi first, a little salt, and the fish which have already been prepared.

  • I will allow these ingredients to steam alongside the beans giving it more time to be well cooked, this will be on the gas cooker at low heat temperature for like 10-15 minutes.

  • Since I don't fry my beans, I will just add my oil to the quantity I know is enough to bring out the color, then the ingredients will follow. I will allow it to steam so the oil and other added ingredients will be properly mixed and the taste will be out. I don't use species in my beans so that was why I never mentioned it.

  • Allow the beans to be on the fire at low heat for like 5-10 minutes and then drop it your beans are all ready and tasty.

On a normal day for me, I prefer My beans being served alongside side friend plantain. Which is very much tasty and always enjoyable to eat.


Fried plantain is usually prepared by taking some few fingers.

After then You will have to peel it and then slice it into smaller pieces.

You will have to put some oil on the fire to get a little hot after that you will have to put the already sliced plantains in the frying pan.

At the end of the day what you have is usually very yummy.


I must say this is simply how my favorite meal is being prepared.
Thanks for reading all.
Best Regards from @gi-de-on

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