Spill The Beans Prompt: Week 78. My routine. My first coffee of the morning.

For many years now, my day has started very early. Usually between 5 and 6 in the morning. The first thing I do is grind the coffee, prepare the coffee pot, put it on the stove and then go into the bathroom. While I shower and wash, the coffee comes out. I have been timing it for a long time. Just as I enter the kitchen again, I can already smell the aroma and hear the sound of the coffee pot. I drink water, I get used to drinking coffee if I haven't had water before (ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...tricks).


While the coffee is completely brewing, I go to the room and put on my robe, a gift from my older sister, then I go back to the kitchen with the cup in my hand. Something I've cultivated is to serve the coffee while it's still bubbling. It's a bit of a tricky routine, I know; but when I feel the coffee falling into my cup even with the pressure of the steam pump...it's simply great.

I pour myself three-quarters of a cup of coffee. That's my standard. I have two places to have my first morning coffee, that first coffee that is important to me because it predisposes me to think that I will have an excellent day. The first place and the one I prefer is in front of the computer. I read articles about my profession that I have pending. At that time, with silence and a clear brain, I like to read topics that I consider complex and extensive.

When I have a report pending, I do it accompanied by my coffee, very early.

My second favorite place to have my coffee is the table in our small kitchen-dining room. There I sit to read on the tablet whatever book I have on duty. In both cases I have about an hour and a half to dedicate to that break before starting the daily routine. Usually before that period ends I fill my cup for the second time.

When I don't have any reading in progress... I simply select one.

I have a ritual along with the morning-first coffee, it is to light an incense. That helps me concentrate on what I am doing. During that time, and while the stick is burning, I think about some details of the day. I take advantage of reviewing my agenda mentally. At that time the house sleeps in silence, the street barely wakes up and the silence does its morning magic. Likewise, being thankful and having faith that I will have the best opportunities are part of the script.

The aroma I like in the morning, with coffee, is tangerine.

It's my best way to summarize the first hours of the day. I don't eat breakfast. Only pure, unsweetened coffee and water accompany me when I leave the house for work, around 8:30 am. I've read some stories here about the changes in habits and routines, over the years, of course. I give credit because if there is one constant... it is change. I was struck by how @irvinc, for example, describes his changes because he feels the gentle passing of time over life. I identified with it. That's how I feel too.


“There is nothing sweeter than a cup of bitter coffee.”
Rian Aditia.

I have also experienced changes, of course; however, my mornings have been the same for a long, long time. I always remember them that way, from a very young age. Even my sleeping habits remain the same, regardless of whether I go to bed late or early, getting up at the same time. I rarely get sleepy during the day. #


I took the photos with my Redmi11 phone and edited them with the PowerPonit program.
The translation was done with Google.

coffee separator.png

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