Tea for Relaxation, Social Time and Medicinal Uses

The question often comes up of whether one prefers coffee or tea. I think this is somewhat silly for the most part. You might as well ask the question of whether one prefers coffee or beer. In other words, I like them both, and for very different reasons.

Coffee is life. It is the magic of my morning. It gets me out of bed. Its aroma and flavor and mental kick start my day and make life worth living. (Okay... that's perhaps overly dramatic, but those of us who cannot imagine life without coffee are indeed this passionate about it!)

Now let's talk about tea, because that's the reason for this post. Thank you to the Cinnamon Cup Coffee for hosting this fun #teacontest!

Ah, tea! It has so many wonderful uses. My daughters and I love to put on a social tea for a special event. I have a large collection of teacups for this purpose. Some were originally in my mother's collection. Shortly after she passed away, my sisters and I gathered and took turns selecting cups from the collection until we had distributed her full collection amongst us.

One day, I was going to host a tea for a group and realized I did not have quite enough teacups. In a moment of inspiration, I stopped into an estate sale and found four perfect teacup sets, which I purchased for a song. Sadly, I can no longer remember which ones I bought that day, and which ones belonged to my mother. She has been gone 25 years now. I think she would forgive me. Moreover, I had this funny hunch that her spirit was with me that day when I found the estate sale — like she nudged me to that sale at just the right time. It seemed like impossible serendipity.


Those occasions are not frequent, but they are so much fun. We always make several flavors of tea and serve it with little sandwiches, salads, fruit and goodies.

More common is a simple cup of tea "for what ails ya." We have an entire pantry shelf devoted to our tea collection, which includes everything from straight black tea to green tea and many different medicinal teas for everything from a sore throat to lethargy, insomnia and constipation!


But here's my focus at the moment: detox and weight loss. I'm not "overweight" by any means, but I am attending a wedding in a few weeks, and I intend to shed a few pounds. There are many effective ways to do this, but I've found tea to be an exceptional boon when I really want to trim down. Here's my little collection!


In just a couple of days of eating smaller portions and drinking tea with detox and weight loss properties, I'm already down a couple of pounds and feeling lighter and leaner. It's such a good feeling!

Let's have a look at the properties and ingredients of some of these.

Peach Detox

Yum! I'm not kidding. This is a delightful tea with some lovely spice from the roots of cinnamon, ginger and cardamom. So much better and cheaper than a trip to the fat farm. Ha ha.




That was actually my last teabag. So it's on my shopping list now.

DeTox Tea



Some similar ingredients to the Peach Detox, this one also has Sarsparilla Root and some interesting fruits. It has a lovely, pungent and aromatic sensation and is absolutely lovely to drink.

Get Burning Tea

I can't describe the flavor of this one, as it's next on my list. But I'll share the properties and ingredients list. Have you ever heard of Seabuckthorn? Where I come from, buckthorn is a blight of a tree and we are constantly ripping it out to prevent its invasion of yards, gardens and forests. But evidently Seabuckthorn is actually a medicinal breed!




Get Lost Tea

This one is also on the roster. But isn't it amazing that companies like this create these phenomenal products that help you achieve your health goals? And I love that they are rainforest certified so you know they are responsibly sourced. @millycf1976 — note the rooibos! 😀




Get Lean Tea

Also on my to-do list, this is another one in the set of three that I drink occasionally when I'm looking to shed a few pounds! This one is focused on shedding water weight, and has the added benefit of mental focus.




Smooth Move Tea

Yup, this is exactly what you think it is! For those who aren't "regular," tea can help. I consider this a great addition to the detox and weight loss set because even if you have no trouble in this area, we all actually retain stuff that we shouldn't. (Say no more!) It has a lovely flavor, and the fact that it's all natural and not some creepy chalky drink that you get from the pharmacy is such a huge relief... er, I mean benefit.




Well, that's it for my post on tea! I know I haven't been around and posting for some time... I'm actually going to write a post about that soon, and explain all. I'm coming back! Miss y'all.


Photo credits: All of the photos in this post were taken by me with my iphone and belong to me, unless otherwise noted.

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