My Kids Drive Me to Drink

Alright now, on this platform there can’t be any title judgement. You must read the context in it’s entirety before you can shape an opinion. Sometimes the titles may fool you and the post ends up being about something totally different.

photo credit: @tommyl33

Well this is not that case!

My kids DO drive me to drink…coffee that is! 😩

First let me give you a little background on my coffee life.

I never had one.

My husband has always loved coffee. He’s been drinking it since his teenage years. I never understood all the hype and never felt love for it.

I had an occasional cup in the break rooms when I worked for corporate America. I remember having to put tons of sugar and that powered creamer stuff in my cup in order for it to taste even half decent. I didn’t like the fact that I had to use so much sugar and that was a turn off.

I was mainly a tea lady. Get me a nice cup of hot tea with honey and lemon and I’m good to go.

My mother-in-law is also a coffee lover and together she and my husband tried to convince me that I was missing out.

Nah, I’m good. Coffee is SO overrated. 🙄

Fast-forward to when I became a SAHM (stay at home mom, for those who don’t feel like looking up acronyms) things started to change. My husband started purchasing new coffee tools like frothers, French press machines, single serve makers and new kinds of creamers.

I remember one day he made me a French press coffee and I used a really yummy creamer. I liked that I didn’t have to use that nasty 🥴 powdery stuff and I didn’t need any additional sugar. The coffee was so smooth and tasty that I wanted more the following morning.

At that point I was only drinking a cup maybe once every three weeks. I kept in mind that I didn’t want to become like those addictive coffee drinkers who shake and frantic in the mornings until they’ve had their cup of joe (no offense to those who do, don’t worry just keep reading).

Fast-forward again to years later where my kids are old enough to fight and argue every morning, all day and all night over the littlest things that don’t even make sense. 😳😑😠🤯

photo credit: @tommyl33

I need my cup of joe every morning!!

Yeah, so uhmmmm I’ve become one of those people I’ve tried to avoid. Let me say that I drink a cup of joe at least four times a week. I went from drinking zero cups to wanting one every single day.

There are some days I make a smoothie or drink some chocolate almond milk instead but I’m constantly wanting some good olé warm and soothing coffee.

Actually one of the main reasons I started liking coffee was due to the fact I am ALWAYS cold. I loved how it warmed me up and made me feel so comfortable. Now, I equally like it because it helps me get my day started especially when my kiddos are arguing and yelling at each other over the littlest things.

They know when they see me making my cup of coffee that means I’m irritated and they better get it together real quick lol. There are some mornings when I have decided not to get a cup and then they wake up and that all changes.

Now granted this isn’t everyday and my kids don’t drive me to drink every time I make coffee but a lot of the times it’s them. 😄

So hey people here’s a heads up. If you don’t have children and you don’t currently drink coffee…that will ALL change once those kids start coming. 😆

Anyhoo either way, even when I’m not blaming my kids for my habit, I now love coffee. I’m trying to love bullet coffee in order to cut down on the sugar that’s in those creamers. Even though I’m still not used to the butter taste this coffee actually gives me more of an energy boost than when I drink it the regular way.

Okay, that’s enough of my coffee rant for one day. Off to make my morning cup! 😜

Thanks for reading ~

Thanks to @tommyl33 for these lovely coffee images (especially because mine never look this pretty 😄)! He has been made a 10% beneficiary of this post.

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