Drinking Coffee Is The Best Thing To Do While Waiting

Providing a coffee shop or cafe in a public place that is often filled with waiting activities is a brilliant idea.


Have you ever waited for some business to be finished in a public place? For example, the simplest thing is waiting for the laundry to finish, or waiting for the vehicle to be washed, or even when you are in a queue to pick up certain important documents.

Of course, we are looking for other activities while waiting. Starting from looking at information on the internet with our cellphones, reading books, or even just looking at the situation around the place and paying attention to the people around us.

When I'm in a certain queue, I'm usually happy to pay attention to my surroundings, as well as the people there. If possible, I will chat random things with people. It can give me new inspiration for me, especially for my fiction writing project.



Then, I would be very grateful if there was a cafe provided around the waiting area. So it not only gives us a pleasant atmosphere to avoid boredom, but it also provides benefits for the coffee shop. Well, you could say a complete cafe that provides various types of food and drinks that can be a place for customers to choose a taste that is comfortable for them.



This time I will share a story about enjoying coffee while waiting for my vehicle to be washed. There I saw ”SAKTI CAFE” which is next to a car wash.

”SAKTI CAFE” is on the second floor. So you could say this cafe is still in the same management as the car wash. The atmosphere at ”SAKTI CAFE” is quite pleasant even though this cafe is intended for car wash customers, it is open as a cafe in general. I see customers who come to this place to wash their cars.



Only one floor, but ”SAKTI CAFE” feels quite spacious. During the day if the sun is too hot, I feel the air is very hot from the top of the roof. So I suggest avoiding coming in the middle of the day if the weather is hot that day.


The food and beverage menu provided at ”SAKTI CAFE” is quite diverse, but focuses on Indonesian menus. Starting from fried rice, noodles, and soup.

For coffee menus, quite complete, up to manual brew. Including lattes.



I chose to order a coffee latte. The smell of the hot coffee latte that just arrived at my table made me excited. I realized I shouldn't be bored while waiting. There is still warm coffee waiting for me to enjoy it :)

For food, I also ordered soup, but unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of it because I was starving and no one was holding my cell phone while eating soup at that time. Overall, the taste of the food served by ”SAKTI CAFE” is quite good.


Food and drinks at ”SAKTI CAFE” are quite recommended. But if I don't have a business to wash my car, I won't go to this cafe because it's very hot inside and it can make my nose bleed if I feel the air is too hot.

Overall, it was a pretty fun day and time seemed to go by quickly even though I had to wait. Most importantly, hot coffee gives me enough energy to feel good and move on with the day.


I hope you guys have a nice day. Stay grateful and blessed, HIVE Lovers!

Finding the things that you deserve to find today. Have a great day, good people, HIVE Lovers!

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.



Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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