Festive cups

Festive Cups



It's getting colder now, and I don't feel as enthusiastic as I did in warmer times to get out and walk on a daily basis, but the show must go on. I would normally carry my own hot beverage container, but sometimes I just drop into a coffee shop and grab a takeaway. I drink it to warm up at the beginning of the walk.

Like I said in a previous post, it's Christmas here now. Along with all the card isles having been populated by Christmas cards, even if the isle labels haven't caught up yet and still show the previous items, the coffee cups have changed to the festive ones.

Here is a super inclusive one from Greggs, showing a range of generic festive stuff. It even says "Festive" on it. I suppose there are a lot of different festivals during this time of the year, not just Christmas.


When I used to live near not just one, but two, Starbucks coffee shops, I used to quite enjoy their coffee cup art at this time of the year. I have to find one to see what they've got this year. It's a bit of a trek, or even a bus ride, to my nearest one so maybe I'll make that my walk route one of these days. I'd have to add an hour to the journey though, and maybe sit in for a break at the shop.

MacDonalds, believe it or not, also has some of the best coffee cup designs at this time of the year. I have to drop in and have a look at some point. Again, it's a bit of a walk from me, so that's another possible walking route.

Hmm. Maybe I can do some kind of series with these. Perhaps I should collect them and make a post about it and let you lot chose which is the best. Maybe make a contest out of it. 🤔

Anyway hope you're all doing well. ☕️

Peace & Love,


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