Time, Money, The Lessons & Experiences; Total Failure Or Partial Sucess?

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When an Investment choice or decision goes bad, time and money is lost but a lot of people would actually not take the lesson and the experience as an added positive or incentive. This is because time and money is the principal thing: time is never recovered, it is totally lost and sometimes people overstess the important of time by placing a financial condition to it and as a result of it it hurts them that they've actually lost.

Some would say for example that they spent a lot of time in an unfruitful business venture when they could have spent that same time doing something fruitful and hence this is how people place finacial conditioning to time. One thing is, every finacial lesson is somehow often applicable at one period and this somehow comes subconsciously handy.

Money on the other hand is huge; While time somhow is often lost when a venture turns bad, it even hurts more to lose money and why is this? Money in itself has no power as we ourselves accord power to it, we're responsible for making monetary decisions like choosing one investment prospect and forgoing the other.

Taking responsibility for channeling our energy to growing the little we have to become something bigger, another investment choice like offering a skill or a "know-how" or even a profession, all these are financial decisions that should yield monetary dividends and imagining have to make the right choices in one business venture and losing the money to another business opportunity.

Everyday, people are looking to increase their finances and this entails putting in their time, energy and money. The world in itself is a merry-go-round, get a degree for knowledge and at the same time, have it pose as a means to earn a living. There's hardly no passion for work these days unless the big pay comes as the "major incentive" and not as an "added Incentive".

To people nowadays the job is the added Incentive while the money is the major incentive. However in this malady to maximize one's time to earn extra money, now imagine having to put one's health, the energy and efficiency which amounts to time to earn the money and in a bid to grow the money earned, due to an uncalculated variable the money becomes lost in the process.

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The lessons and experience gotten from such turn-out of course wouldn't be taken into consideration. What counts more nowadays is the loss of the currency and sometimes i use to say that one of the conditions necessary for people to either become successful or failure with how they intend to grow their business is having vast experience and the "lessons" to go with it.

But then this is why I think failure in the first attempts in business can be good because success is not a steady ride. To have an already established business doesn't mean one can not get back into a stage of saturation or decline and this is because of competition and when you have an experience of how competition knocks people out, it works the more.

This is to say that have a rich plethora of hard business lessons and experience can motivate a person to be better. The thrivings towards longevity, steady the ship and absorbing the effect of uncertainty in business often comes through these experiences.

Psychologically these influences things like "fear and courage" in our life. This means that we would eventually lose but then, losing and taking the added lessons and experience would be better. Some people don't revisit their failures because of the trauma of losing time and money but then this is a huge mistake. At the end of the day each of our actions revolves around the fact that it's always s cycle that seems rather familiar whether we like it or not.

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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