You Might be Depressed And Not Know

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I do not know how many movies exist that discuss in one form or the other, the possibility of aliens. This has been an idea ever since we launched a man into the moon. Maybe the idea started before then. But until we get to see alien life forms and interact with them all we have got is ourselves... humans in bodies made of flesh and blood.

The problem with that is that we are constantly bombarded by this invisible force called life at almost every turn. Because of this, there are bound to be sad moments. Sometimes, these sad moments turn into sad days, and the days turn into weeks, and months and sometime years... this condition is called depression.

It is the persistent feeling of sadness that engulfs a person almost perpetually.

Here is another problem. This sadness is usually not like diabetes or hypertension or stroke. It is very subtle, slow and very bold. It gradually consumes every desire to do anything, or be productive in any way. After a while, it consumes the desire to live and then thoughts of death begin to creep in.

Sometimes, people do not recognize that something is wrong until they start having those thoughts of ending things. Then they realise that they are actually struggling with depression.

The good news is that depression has been studied extensively and although there is still much to learn, we can identify with almost certain precision when a person is suffering with depression.

Signs that you may be depressed.

I try to use a mnemonic device to recall the symptoms of depression so that I dont miss out on anyone. The mnemonic is CEASAR-RS

C- Concentration-- If you notice that you are unable to focus on a task and complete it, or when you pick a book to read your mind is in 10 different places at once, it may be a sign that you may be depressed.

E- Energy-- Always feeling tired? No energy to do anything. Most times you just want to be by yourself in bed, or on the couch. It might mean that you need help

A- Appetite- This can go either ways. Either having such a huge appetite that you practically eat everything, or having so little appetite that you do not want to eat at all. Either one is a sign of depression.

S- Sleep-- Not being able to sleep or sleeping too much.

A- Anhedonia- This is a technical term for not having any motivation to do the things you usually would love to do. So, if you loved playing football and you notice that you no longer have pleasure in football, for no just reason... you might be depressed.

R- Retardation/Restlessness- unable to sit still, always fidgety...or conversely, being sluggish and slow in speech, slow walking, etc.

R- Repeated Sense of Guilt or Worthlessness- you feel that something that isnt your fault is your fault. Or you feel like a failure repeatedly to everyone around you. You feel you cannot measure up and that people are better off without you.

S- Suicidal thoughts and Self harm- Thoughts of just ending your life, or deliberately inflicting pain and torture on yourself.(one day I will talk about self harm in a little more detail)

Having one or two of these symptoms doesnt mean a person has depression. It is more of having a combination of these symptoms persistently that lets us know that maybe a person can be struggling with depression and needs help.

I dont expect you to memorize all the signs, they are there for you to be able to recognize the signs if you see them in yourself or someone close to you. It would help you understand that this person needs help and you will be glad you knew to look for these signs.

Finally, depression doesn't mean a person is lazy or has no spine. No, it could me a lot of things. It could mean that they have been strong for a while and do not know how to continue. It could mean that they have tried a lot of things and are now tired of trying, there are a thousand things it could mean, but not one of them is a reason to be judged.

Thank you for reading.

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I am Covenant, a Medical Doctor with a passion for holistic medicine-( fancy word for treating a patient as an individual and not just addressing their symptoms).

My focus lies in the deep connection between mental health and overall wellbeing, and I create content across various medical topics with an emphasis on mental health. Follow me for insights into holistic medicine and approaches to health and wellness.

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