What is HIVE FIVE?

Hive blockchain in another five years! ☺️

What inspired HIVE FIVE?

I saw an inspiring recent post

we've got 5 years

Of @steevc celebrating his five years of contribution, consistency and achievements on the block chain.

He joined August 2016 after one of his friends @the-bitcoin-dood persuaded him to check it out.

Today @steevc is a rare gem on the block chain, influencing others positively. This is obviously not a day job.

@steevc from his abundance of experience on the blockchain mentioned inspiring ways of making the most of the block chain for another developed hive blockchain experience🙌

Nobody can know where we will be in another five years. The world could have changed a lot by then. There are big issues to resolve, but enabling people to help themselves can make the world better.
It can seem intimidating and possibly unfair, but it is largely up to us to build something here on hive blockchain. Connect with others and make something of value, whatever your skills. Complaining about the state of things is not productive unless we can offer alternatives that will engage the community..

Wow!!! A very inspiring, instructive and challenging submit 🤔. Thank you @steevc


[Photo of @davidbolu34 taken with HUAWEI Y6 Prime]

Now! @davidbolu34 #hiveans #newbies this is food for thought and call for improvement.

Hive and its communities such as #proofofbrain #leofinance #musicforlife #spknetwork etc, sustains a unique social network aspect unlike other common social networks such as Instagram, Youtube etc.

Connecting and Interacting with other great minds all over different continents and cultures with an egde of crypto tokenization and investment advantage makes hive blockchain a rare gem and futuristic.

I have received a lot of information and inspiration from connecting and relating with great minds here on hive within two months and I'm very much interested in taking my blockchain engagement further by exploring more communities and contributing to the growth of the blockchain the little way I can as I keep growing.

The question now is What will be my own testimony on Hive blockchain in another Five years?🤔🤔 HIVE FIVE!

In order to achieve something impactful on the blockchain I must intentionally take my daily engagement on hive and other communities more serious, so as to improve my rewards and voting value.


[Screenshot of my current profile level and Hive Power. Obtained via HUAWEI Y6 Prime]

I @davidbolu34 joined May 2021 just two months ago after my amazing brother @daniky enlightened, encouraged me to join and put me through the modus operandi of the hive block chain.

However! It has not been very easy to aqcuire and also invest much in my HP, POB Power etc. which i must do eventually but at least I have been able to build up 109.179 Hive Power so far and gradually my voting value is increasing.

I know my decision to implement investing in constant improving engagement with others on the blockchain, sharing values, quality contents, staking more hive power and other communities token power will result to a successful HIVE FIVE! for me.

I should have nothing less than 10,000 HP and 10,000 POB power etc. 🤔🤔
Wait!!! Is this small or too much?
Let me know at the comments 😎

Nevertheless! I will sustain the vision and aspiration to continously influence my contacts positively. Remain on this futuristic path without pressure because I know it will requires Taking required Responsibility, Time, Commitment and Consistency to become the best version of me here.

I observed on hive blockchain that every post is open for debate, you don't have the right answer for everything, and this is why the input and contributions of all the #hive users in different communities such as #prooofofbrain #leofinance #threespeak will help us grow and sucessful inevitably.

Although! We don't know exactly what will happen in five years time but we are positive that hive block chain will remain relevant and will be so much more valuable.

We have a lot to improve on as humans and the only way to become better at anything is to keep doing it and exposing it for other people's access, contribution and influence.

Luckily!! Hive blockchain and communities administration are readily flexible to welcome our skills, input and ideas because our idea may help the entire platform altogether, just that we have to be sure and confident on the ideas we share. With these HIVE in another five years will be of great value 😍

Obviously! There are a lot of great minds with positive influences who have a lot to add and @davidbolu34 is one of them😎😋

Sustainability and Advancement is achievable by improving our inputs, engagement with others, investing on platform power and commitment to meeting and relating values with others on the block chain.

Conclusively! We must be committed to creating quality contents, engaging with many others and commenting based on what appeals to different communities and cultures on the hive block chain for another awesome HIVE FIVE experience.

Kindly share your thoughts on this post. It is very needed🙏 And Follow @davidbolu34 as a form of encouragement😍



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