We've got 5 years...

So sang David Bowie about the end of the world, but this is a time for me to celebrate. I joined this blockchain in August 2016 after the collapse of the Tsu social site. One of my friends there was @the-bitcoin-dood who persuaded me to check out this radical new platform that did not rely on ads to pay users. I could see it was radical from the start and here we are after all sorts of drama.

Thanks to @hivebuzz for reminding me of the date.

It has been a wild trip for me. I have made lots of friends and met many of them in person at local and international events. They are some of the smartest people I have met. I just hope that millions more can get to have these opportunities.

This is not just about what I can earn. There are so many people out there doing creative things that should be earning them rewards regardless of where they are. Hive is empowering.

Nobody can know where we will be in another five years. The world could change a lot by then. There are big issues to resolve, but enabling people to help themselves can make the world better.

I know it can seem intimidating and possibly unfair, but it is largely up to you to build something here. Connect with others and make something of value, whatever your skills. Complaining about the state of things is not productive unless you can offer alternatives that will engage the community. It is not a free ride and nobody is automatically entitled to anything. We need to deal with those who try to spoil the party with abusive and fraudulent activity. We should not just leave it to others to do what is necessary to make Hive better. Those who give something are likely to do well.

Onwards and upwards! Hive five!

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