Excellent taste and quality seasonal fruit litchi || Day 13 of #IAmAliveChallenge by @flaxz


The excellent taste and quality of seasonal fruit litchi, its taste gives us joy, just as it keeps our body and mind fresh and active. That’s why I like lychees and try to enjoy this fruit throughout the season. And you will be happy to know that now is the litchi season.


Friends, litchi has a lot of nutritional value, which is very useful for our body to function and increase our immunity. Not just litchi, friends, all seasonal fruits are good for our health. So we should eat all seasonal fruits.


Litchi contains thiamine, niacin etc., which further enhances the nutritional value of litchi. These vitamins increase the body's metabolism. Litchi is a good source of energy. Each 100 grams of litchi provides 61 kcal of energy. It lowers cholesterol levels in the body. Helps to reduce fat as well.


Friends, by looking at the text quoted above, you can understand why I prefer litchi. In addition to all these benefits, litchi helps our body to get rid of various skin diseases and keeps our teeth strong. It is not only fruit but also medicine for us


So if you have a chance to take this fruit or check its taste. But be sure to do it and enjoy its excellent taste and qualities. I’m sure the taste of it will evoke your feelings tremendously, after which you will want to taste it again.


Friends, you know this is my 13th participation in this challenge, #IAmAliveChallenge by @flaxz


Encourage me by your supports and comments.


Words about me: I am Tania Akter from Bangladesh. I am working in a private company after graduation. At the same time I am trying to practice income tax. It is very difficult to study alongside a job. I love to cook, because I love delicious food. I also love to travel and watch movies. Most of time of holidays I try to enjoy cooking and watching movies.:Follow me outside: Twitter & YouTube
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