How Time As An Endless Frame Contradicts And Works Against The Human Value "PATIENCE"


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There are times in life where patience should be the ultimate tool to solving some really elusive problems but when there isn't time to even make the decision to show the act of patience, what do you do? The truth is, the quality to show patience contradicts time's frame. In most cases people make decisions that contradicts their timeline by enacting the value of patience but this is often overridden. That's why when people wait for a particular period of time they're forced to go for more plausible options that are readily available or would seem available rather than wait endlessly. So how should patience as a value stand a chance when humans are mainly influence by the infallibility of time?

for example, our decision to feed depends on time, our decision to wake up depends on time, our decision to undertake some life tasks depends on a particular time frame. In a practical situation, should we unknowingly skip breakfast the opportunity to call it breakfast has been lost. Should we try countless of times to convince someone, somebody, an organisation or a group of people that we have some capabilities that could be useful to them but yet we fail to do so, we will be defined by the countless times we failed to convince them and not the countless time that we might succeed should we continue giving it time and patience. So people no longer have the luxury of exhibiting patience because they are surrounded by circumstances that wouldn't really allow patience to show it's worth as a value.

So while patients can be the tolerance or the capacity to withstand constraint or the long-suffering to endure delay, Time is the continuous progression of all existence that gradually transcends change at a simultaneous occurrence. There are times where it feels like we are given very little time to accomplish many things. We are expected to accomplish, achieve and realise since we show the magnanimous ability to exist and since change is the most visible feature of time then it becomes a compulsion to showcase accomplishments directly or indirectly. However it's been known that it isn't so strange but examplary to beat the odds and that is why sometimes we challenge ourselves to do the unthinkable and in most cases we are often defined by the most unthinkable things we do because of how unfair the playing field was at the time which we did these things.

Time is an endless myriad of enigma and it mostly contradicts some things we should stand for. It feels unfair to age and die and that's why we live oftentimes by a deadline that mystically exists in our mindset. In earnest we're humans irrespective of any thing and there's this hunger to redefine the rhetorics that surrounds us. Without a doubt, time is time something inhumane and inconsiderate and patience is a human virtue which is evident of the fact that there's an underlying influence of our whole entity to be good and despite not having time we still, in the most difficult and dire circumstances showcase patience, empathy and love when we know we might fall of the rail of our time frame, the ability to showcase patience shows humans are capable or orderliness and reasonability even if we should follow the zombic nature of time.

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Dtuber, 📷 Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off steem can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother in pen and video 📷

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