Inkverse has arrived! Introducing myself 🙂

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Greetings, dear readers!

I want to introduce myself and provide a glimpse into my world. I am a passionate person who finds joy in literature, video games, and board games. During the day, I am part of a creative team, where working alongside fellow creatives has always been a fantastic way for me to explore new avenues of self-expression. While I don't consider myself an artist, drawing has always held a special place in my heart. I have a deep love for comics and anime, and although I have considerable drawing skills, I have yet to discover a distinct style of my own.

Throughout my life, drawing has been a constant passion. Collaborating with fellow creatives in my creative team has offered me the opportunity to delve into new forms of self-expression and discover the diverse range of artistic approaches. While I don't view myself as a traditional artist, finding my personal style remains an ongoing challenge that I am eager to tackle.
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Around a year ago, I found myself at a crossroads in my life. I made the difficult decision to end a long-term relationship because it no longer brought me happiness. Unfortunately, this choice led to a period of stalking from my ex-partner, which greatly impacted not only my personal life but also my family and job. To protect myself, I had to eliminate all my social media presence. It was during this time that I discovered Hive, a decentralized social media platform, through a friend at work. I decided not to join immediately because I wasn't still comfortable about having any social media account. But some months have passed and I decided that it is time to somehow some of the habits I had.

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The transition to a life without social media has been a significant change for me. At times, I have felt isolated, realizing how challenging it can be to reshape one's lifestyle due to someone's unhealthy obsession. However, I hope to find solace in the anonymity and freedom that Hive provides. It offers me an opportunity to connect with like-minded people while protecting my privacy and sharing my passions without fear.

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Art in all its forms has always held a special place in my heart. Whether it's reading a book and omehoe becoming part of it, or exploring the intricate narratives hidden within movies and series, I find immense joy in the creative realms. I hope to share with you not only my hobbies but also my most intimate thoughts, knowing that this anonymous account creates a safe space for vulnerability and expression.

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By choosing to remain anonymous, I can open up about my innermost thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment or repercussion. It allows me to be truly authentic and vulnerable with you, reader.

I hope to read about you, Anon, and I can't wait to share my most intimate thoughts, my movie preferences, books reviews and drawing. Until next post!

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