HIke To Hill, Too Windy, Lunch, Ground School, Harness Adjustments, My Wing, Dinner - Saturday

Well we went out to the hill yesterday morning and had a bunch of us. It was windy when we got there and the forecast was not good but we went through the motions in case it mellowed out while we hung out on the top of the hill. The lenticular clouds were showing around and there was little buildup in the cumulus with a constant 12-14mph wind with some strong gusts and the clearing clouds just gave the sun more oomph to keep the wind going.


So the group of us stood on the hill and talked over a bunch of questions we had. Justin that I met at the brewery showed up a little while after we had been there despite the winds being too strong to fly. I was stoked to see him make the trek out and I hope it gives him the kick to get out and fly more.


We got a short break in the wind but then it just picked right back up again and we all decided to hike out. Some days are just not good for flying and you have to accept that and just hike out or down.


This is my week in my Garmin without the hiking and flying of today...


So after leaving the hill early I headed back to the room then went for lunch. Andy figured we could do ground school and testing before maybe going to tow. So I went to Mountains Walking brewery again and had their salad with chicken and a nice IPA. I love these damned salads, they are what my body needs.


So 4 of us ended up at Andy's and we watch Safety In Flight 2. I have watched the first a few times which is by the same guy 13 years before number 2. We then went through the test which was nicely mellow.


This is the wing I am getting. The Gin Evora, the green one. I am insanely excited. I can't believe that this dream is coming true. It is rather surreal despite everything I have done the past week. The wing will be shipped to me and I likely will have it in a week or to, maybe really soon if it is in stock in the US somewhere...


This is my harness, the Gin Verso 3 and I got to set it up today in Andy's simulator in his garage. The harness feels amazing and I am so anxious to fly it today. It even has a reserve in it already. I can't help but feel giddy just thinking of this.


So to celebrate my last night in Bozeman and my insanely successful adventure I went back to Bourbon for some of the best bbq in town. I got the house salad with the side of brisket and it was delectable. I hurried out though and got back to the room to be able to watch the UFC which was quite good with some seriously good fights but god damn that title fight was SICK!!!!! ISY!!!!


Today I am out of the Airbnb and I am going to the training hill to hike into the hill one last time for the trip and I will get as many flights in as I can in my new harness. I hope to match my age of 45 which only needs 7 more flights which should be super easy now that I have my hiking legs and my acclimatization. Then once done on the hill I will hike back to the truck and then drive home. I miss the family and my bed.

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