Future Chefs Competition - Monday

Well, that was quite the exciting day! My morning was spent tending to my horrible skin and getting my lessons done. By noon I was at the school picking both boys up and once home @stryeyz was off work and at home not too long later. We wanted him to have time to get one more practice run in cooking his quinoa dish before we went to the district elementary school for the comp.

There were 7 kids with a variety of dishes of which most were sweeter. They had the various ingredients laid out on big baking trays in the kitchen for each kid and J had a Instapot for him to use.


They got shirts and name tags then got aprons as well. Chefs hats were fit to each kid's head and they all headed into the kitchen where each was paired with a high school student to help them with their dishes.




The ingredients weren't the same as what we use at home so he had to improvise with what he was given. Like the bone broth was powdered so he had to mix that up and they added a carrot to the mix which he needed to dice up.

Once they all got going J got his ingredients all in the pot and then the battle began. The "Instapot" was not a Instapot brand so the controls were not the same as ours here at home. That lead to some issues for him as the time wore on.


They battled with the thing trying to get it to set right and then pressurize.


All the other kids ended up getting their platings out before J got his finished but but it worked out just fine.


His display plate then the tasting portions were set on the table then the judges all gathered around.


He did well explaining his dish and everyone rather liked it, when the tables were opened to tasting his went fast.


Super proud of him for tying for 2nd with his best friend at school. All the kids got a prize bag with J getting a great haul of cooking supplies.


He also got a nice medal. It was rather nice to be able to say to him, "see, your brother got medals in wrestling and you get medals for cooking." Both boys are starting to see the diversion in their capabilities, interests, and where they excel.


Our school got 1st through 3rd! The head of our PTA's son won first.


He even got to use his new tools to help make dinner last night!

It's was really beneficial for him to do well in the cooking comp after watching his little brother do so well in wrestling. They are now getting what I have been saying to them, that it is fine for each of them to excel in different skills and different parts of life.


We are splitting the boys up for wrestling practices now so they get to practice with their age groups more. R went last night and J will go tonight. Hoping it gives J more time with the faster and stronger kids like he is more likely to wrestle in tournaments.

Today I am trying to keep my skin from turning on me, fix the wound to my knee that is still pestering me, plow through my lessons, I need to get fix a flat into my one trailer tire, the house plants need watering, there is always clean-up that can be done around the farm as the snow melts away.

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