A brief escape from the world of "Busy"

For a man who used to find it difficult to clearly state what his #feelgood foods were. Lately I find myself encountering little reminders of a time where I wasn't busy. I grew up in a house where my mom worked 40 hours, and my dad had three jobs. For the most part we raised ourselves.

This was before we allowed officials to take on the role of big brother nanny. My mother would get us ready for school. Then head off to work herself. After school we would come home. I being the oldest, was in charge of maintaining the house, and making sure my siblings did their homework.

It was always a big event when my dad arrived home from work in the evenings. My parents were only human. They did their best. Me and my siblings would anxiously await his arrival, Then we'd bombard him as he entered the door. Anxiously grabbing the movies he rented from Blockbuster Video, and later on Hollywood Video. Occasionally he'd bring home KFC. On special occasions he or my mom would bring a cake from Pepperidge farms.

I just recently learned that they started in Fairfield Connecticut, my second hometown.


Though my dad's favorite was The coconut layered cake. This made our little fluffy hearts jump and wiggle with excitement. Back then I knew very little about bakeries. This little pepperidge farm cake was the creme de la creme in our eyes.

It is probably my reintroduction into the Hive community, and it's influence. That had me standing in front of a glass freezer door, located in the local convenience store. Just smiling, remembering forgotten times. Yet despite my frugal nature, I gave in and purchased the item that had remove me from reality for an unknown amount of time. That item was this Rich Golden chocolate Layered Cake.


When I got home, I placed the cake in the refrigerator. As I headed off to work this morning, I served myself a slice. I could almost picture my parents shaking their heads. As I serve myself a slice of cake, early in the morning. It was just as good as good as I remembered. I stood there for a moment smiling to myself. Then I headed off back into the world of busy.

Thank you for taking the to share with me. I hope something shows up on your life to pull you back to better times.

Feel free to check out my entry into the #alphabethunt challenge hosted by @barbara-orenya and supported by the #feelgood community.


God Bless

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