#ESMpicks Round-up : Badge of Pawesomeness Picks : Year2-Vol. 14


#ESMpicks Round-up
Badge of Pawesomeness Picks Year2-Vol. 13

Hello friends and fans of D.Buzz,

Here at D.Buzz, we want to help support the Hive community and its content creators to grow through engagement with other users in the D.Buzz community.

So if you've been given a badge of Pawesomeness, I'm thrilled to say you've got a chance to be featured in the weekly round-up of posts with the help of D.Buzz' Epic Smile Maker #ESMpicks.

NOTE: The following article was written by a guest blogger. The views expressed are not from directly from, or endorsed by D.Buzz, please let us know if you have any concerns or questions in the comments, or reach out to us on Discord.

Thank you, and keep up the excellent work for your chance to be in the next round of featured articles!

It's the last day of January, and it's starting to get just a lil bit warmer in some places (most definitely where I'm from) so planning out some future prospects for a summer adventure has just about started tickling my mind, and what a better trip than getting to read this article about Ilha Grande - Angra dos Reis as shared by @silviamaria as she takes her readers on a journey across some beautiful sights and magnificent beaches around the state of Rio de Janeiro! Add the fact that OP made this as a mostly solo trip really inspires me to some day find that same courage as it left me in awe and wonder. (ノ0)ノImage from @silviamaria post
So maybe thoughts of adventure and the inevitable social interaction you might encounter from the great outdoors might leave one just a tad bit hungry, but you're really convincing yourself on a certain diet sooo why not try out this Blueberry And Blackberry Keto Crumble recipe as shared by @adetorrent ---'cuz fruits are admittedly healthy (plus I love all things with berries in them), and have you seen that sample of a spoonful OP just had to scrumptiously share with us?? This recipe's got me sold already into making my own! ୧⍢⃝୨Image from @adetorrent post
After getting your mind on an adventure and filling up some not-so imaginary cravings, you'd probably get the first signs of feeling just a tad bit sleepy but you can still fight it right? Or unless you've actually been wanting to get some much needed shut-eye lately but juuust can't get yourself to quiet your mind into tricking it enough to get some goddamn needed rest, well here's a curious game for you titled Melatonin - Counting Sheep In Rhythm as shared by @trave160 ---aaand I know it's been said time and again to keep any sorts of gadgets or electronics away from oneself just before bedtime to prevent any sort of distractions BUT, hear me out on this one, that maybe instead of mindlessly scrolling thru Tiktok or whatever app, you might as well try this one out to see if the digital equivalent to "counting sheep" and what-have-you other mental sleep hypnosis could maybe work? Care to give it a chance? (。•̀ᴗ -)☆image from @trave160 post
And maybe tiring out your eyes prolly ain't the best approach to getting yourself to sleep. So, if you fancy a more proactive way to invite the Sandman to shed some sleep dust on your eyes, let's learn a thing or two from how @carolineschell started this mystically awesome Wall Painting --- which is actually more of a ceiling sort-of project, but you get the idea, and really the next question I've gotta ask is if you can find the great inspiration to actually attempt a real creative masterpiece that makes me think about Michelangelo and his work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Are you up for the challenge? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/image from @carolineschell post
With all's said for the week, let's remind ourselves not to get too overwhelmed with the shockingly fast passing of time and take a note or two from this article by @prakie on How to stay Focused on your goals?. Getting swept away with the fast pacing these days is as easy as losing control and the concept of time, so let's learn to stay grounded as we focus with the end in mind and be able to come out of the opposite end of the raging crowd as victorious. d(•́▿•̀)bimage from @prakie post

Again a huge heartfelt thanks to all of you who have posted such amazing content. I hope to include you all in future Roundup posts!

For now, this ESM (Epic, Smile, Maker) is signing off.

Have a great day!

Feel like catching up on the previous Round-ups?

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Just comment below.

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