Fishing with friends [ESP-ENG]


An activity that I always like is going out with my friends from work. There were few moments in which we could relax or all agree that we did not have to work on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday shift. So when that happened, we always had the idea of getting together to share some time together, be it fishing, barbecue or going out.
In this case, my group of friends had a Saturday that we all met, so the idea came up to go fishing in a beautiful, very calm river in the province of Entre Ríos, about 250 kilometers from the City of Buenos Aires.

This trip did not start off as well as possible since in theory we were going to travel in two cars, but one of them even to this day we do not know why I warned that I could not and we had no choice but to cancel the trip or go all in my car.
Of course, most of them preferred to cancel it because the only car there was to travel was mine, but I couldn't let a time pass that we all waited for many many days, due to the fact that one of our drivers had failed us so I let them know to all who traveled the same.

And the truth is that I do not regret the decision. Although we traveled 6 people tight, we spent a spectacular afternoon, with lots of laughter, anecdotes, photos and a delicious barbecue. As you can see in the photos, the landscape was beautiful, a very peaceful place to enjoy a day of camping.

Sometimes we have to overcome some barriers to achieve our goals, but if you want, you can. Many positive people in the face of adversity can achieve whatever they want. And I spent one of the best days of my life with this wonderful group of friends 🤗.
If anyone wonders if I caught something?....the answer is "No" because I'm terrible at this activity 🤣.

## Spanish

Una actividad que siempre me gusto es salir con mis amigos del trabajo. Pocos eran los momentos en los que podiamos relajarnos o coincidir todos en que no nos tocara trabajar en algun turno de sabado, domingo o feriado. Asi que cuando eso sucedia, siempre teniamos la idea de juntarnos para compartir algun momento juntos ya sea una pesca, un asado o salida.
En este caso teniamos mi grupo de amigos un sabado que coincidiamos todos, por lo tanto salio la idea de ir a pescar a un hermoso rio muy tranquilo de la provincia de Entre Rios, a unos 250 kilometros de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Este viaje no arranco lo mejor posible ya que en teoria ibamos a viajar en dos autos, pero uno de ellos aun hasta el dia de hoy no sabemos porque aviso que no podia y no nos quedo otra que o cancelar el viaje o ir todos en mi auto.
Por supuesto que la mayoria preferia cancelarlo porque el unico auto que habia para viajar era el mio, pero yo no podia dejar pasar un tiempo que esperabamos todos por muchos muchos dias, por el hecho de que uno de nuestros choferes nos habia fallado asi que avise a todos que viajabamos igual.

Y la verdad no me arrepiento de la decision. Si bien viajamos 6 personas apretados, pasamos una tarde espectacular, con muchas risas, anecdotas, fotos y un riquisimo asado. Como pueden ver en las fotos, el paisaje era hermoso, un lugar muy pacifico para disfrutar de un dia de camping.

A veces tenemos que superar algunas barreras para lograr nuestros objetivos, pero si uno quiere, puede hacerlo. Muchas personas positivas ante las adversidades pueden lograr lo que que quieran. Y pase uno de los mejores dias de mi vida junto a este maravilloso grupo de amigos 🤗.
Si alguno se pregunta si pesque algo? respuesta es "No" porque soy malisimo en esta actividad 🤣.

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