Discovering Feathered Friends in the Warmer Damm (English Garden) in Wiesbaden

View of the Opera House with Schiller statue
Lots of places to sit
Ducks and pigeons were roaming free.
Feathered Friends were gathering.
Ducks going for a swim
The ducks allow you to get up close.
Cute ducks.
View of the water.
The Kaiser Wilhelm I statue.
Lots of green open space for picnics.

One of the great things about visiting Wiesbaden is the great green areas to walk around. The main and largest park is the Kurpark in the center of the town. It is on the other side of the theater you can see in my photo.

However, today I show you the small and beautifully manicured English-style country garden called Warmer Damm that is perfect to relax in from the hustle and bustle of the city.

We decided to have a walk around the park and it gave us some lovely views of the old Opera House. This is a very magnificent building that I did not see a show there yet, but my wife was there and enjoyed Swan Lake by the Russian Ballet. I hope that I can catch a show there soon as I am keen on ballet and musicals.

The statue in front of the building is of Friedrich Schiller and is not the only statue that I found.

Further walking around the park I found a statue of Kaiser Wilhelm I. There were plenty of benches and places to sit around. Also, there was a playground for kids to play. Overall, it was a lovely place to walk and I could imagine that it is very pleasant in the evening and popular with the locals.

What made the park great to visit was that there were many feathered duck friends to see. We even saw a family of them too. They seemed to feel very confident around people and were not so easily scared away.

If you are visiting Wiesbaden, you for sure don't want to miss this park.

Thanks for viewing.

All photos are my own.

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