Index4INDEX Card 248: Jim Rohn 4

If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

-- Jim Rohn

For more about Jim Rohn, keep reading....


About the Quote

Whatever we do, it's because we decide to do it. If we decided to do something, then we'll get it done. If we decide not to do something, then we can immediate not do it or we can postpone the moment of decision before we act on not doing it.

As long as we can get out of doing something, we'll find a way to get out of it. It could be something as simple as eating vegetables when we would rather eat more baked products. It could be needing to discipline a child. It could be quitting some vice. It could even be ending a toxic relationship even as we realize how toxic it is. Only when the option to not do it is gone will we end up doing the unwanted task.

For those things we want to do, it's a reflection of the other situation. We'll get it done as quickly as possible. If we want to do it but we don't know how to get it done, we'll figure out a way to get it done. If getting the task done depends on the help of others, we'll make sure they are people who can help us. If we want to do it, we'll do it.


Some (More) Information about Jim Rohn

After Jim Rohn began his first year of college, he realized that he wasn't receiving the sort of knowledge he had been seeking. As a result, his first year of college was also his final year of college.

Rohn began working at Sears as a Human Resources manager. During this time, one of his friends had invited him to attend a seminar by businessman and entrepreneur John Earl Shoaff. Shoaff ran a direct selling business named AbundaVita, and Rohn was so impressed by Shoaff that he became one of his distributors. However, Rohn ended his association with AbundaVita in 1956.

In 1957, Rohn joined a similar company named Nutri-Bio. With help from mentors to complement his own hard work, Rohn built one of the largest Nutri-Bio organizations at that time. When Nutri-Bio expanded into Canada in 1960, Shoaff and other founders of Nutri-Bio appointed Rohn as vice president for Nutri-Bio.

Nutri-Bio operated until the 1990s when it went bankrupt. It was then that Jim Rohn began his new career as a public speaker Rotary Club invited him to give a speech to its members, and he accepted the invitation. After this, other organizations invited him to speak at their events. This inspired Rohn to give seminars on his own. He set up his own speeches and seminars which told the story of his experiences and his personal development.

-- Source


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  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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