Index4INDEX Card 141: Alexandra Beauregard 1

It’s not about better time management. It’s about better life management.

-- Alexandra Beauregard [of The Productivity Zone]

About the Quote

We can all manage our time better, but that only goes so far due to one inescapable detail: We each have 24 hours in our days.

If one optimizes one's time as much as humanly possible and still thinks it's still a problem, then the focus needs to shift from time management to life management.

This requires decision making at a higher level than a clock or even a calendar. Among the decisions made is which activities to stop once they are proven to be a time suck rather than life-enhancing.

Some Information about Alexandra Beauregard [of The Productivity Zone]

Alexandra Beauregard is a productivity coach and systems strategist whose nich is helping women succeed in living the True Female Entrepreneur lifestyle.

In 2010 she launched her first business, a wedding blog. Like many first-time entrepreneurs, she went down the black hole of business and hustle-hustle-hustle common to the BYOB (Be Your Own Boss) set. Also like many first-time entrepreneurs practicing BYOB, she suffered from burnout.

Alexandra Beauregard had learned from her burnout experience that she needed to change how she did things as an entrepreneur. That's when she returned to using a planner. She also created systems for managing her e-mail inbox, her social media footprint, and anything else needing organization.

As a student, she was into planning and managing details to the point of being the object of ridicule from her peers. She was afraid of a similar reaction this time. Instead of receiving snide comments or insults as she had as a student, she received e-mails featuring compliments on her organizational methods and inquiries about the tools she had used to put it all together for herself.

That was when, in March 2017, she shut down the wedding blog to launch her current web site: The Productivity Zone.

-- Source

Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet that's currently just a table. Eventually I will make this spreadsheet searchable.

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