Before and After


If you know by my mentioning of how much of a fanatic I am of ORANGETHEORY FITNESS, how it's impact has been ten-fold for Tiffany and me in many ways, so needless to say, it's an important part of our lives.

I have the same fantaticsm for HIVE.

The communities here on the blockchain and those connections I have in the OTF community are IMPACTFUL.

I'm just a few short months from beginning my 9th year as an OTF member. I chose to focus on my health and fitness over nine years ago and along the way, took a chance at trying the new OTF studio that was opening in the town I was living in at the time and the rest as they say - is history.

Just like with HIVE, I chose to be more focused on earning an income online and along the way through my choice of becoming a CTP member, subsequently a HIVE member and I ended up becoming a hardcore HIVER not missing a day of activing on this blockchain since February 2021.

I don't have a lot of photos where I was pushing a size 42 plus waist line (if not more) like the one I uploaded for this post and although I hadn't lived a life of obesity, there was a stretch of a few years that I let myself completely go.

I now hover around size 34 and although I'm not at my best weight having taken a hit physically with some ailments and injuries, I'm still hovering over the size 34.

This is one of those photos, that keep me getting back on track when I feel like I'm back pedaling a bit.


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