Investing in Running shoes


It has been a busy week for sure and an even busier weekend.

The week started with A long 9-6 work shift followed by a DM from a former work colleague who has moved back into my town to continue his University studies. It had been over a year since we have seen each other and so when he invited me over for a small BBQ gathering I said yes straight away.

Over a year lots of things have changed my dear friend is now A marathon runner and has been travelling around the UK to do some half marathons and Park Run events.

Me being someone who loves exercise and the gym instantly took an interest and listened to his advice so much so that running is something I want to do more off. I do the treadmill run around once a week but mostly its only 2-3km and with it being indoors it doesn't simulate the elements of running on the paths outside.

He sent me a link to pick up some fantastic Asics running shoes at A great price and despite doing 9-6 shifts 6 of the 7 days this week I managed to fit in one evening run.

With overtime surely dwindling down at work due to the end of season I am sure I'll begin to have a little bit of extra time to fit runs in more often.

The end goal isn't to do marathons but instead be a lot more healthy and improve my cardiovascular health. With myself joining park run I look forward to doing some 5km runs here and there (depending on weekends off) as my local runs are always on Saturdays at 9AM.

I also signed up to strava with a fresh account as my other one didn't have any progress on it and it was just old and outdated.

Thanks for reading.

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