Tiya Nen's Food Hub : Liver Steak


The final product of my mom’s cooking, one of her specialties the “Liver Steak”

Liver Steak is a Filipino dish which consists of pan fried liver served in a soy sauce and lemon gravy a very close cousin to a dish called Bistek Tagalog which uses beef instead. If you haven’t tried liver yet and curious about its taste, fresh liver meat especially from pork is slightly sweet what why it forms burn marks easily when cooked, it is not as solid as a meat and had that soft grainy texture. A great and healthy meal that you should try. ctto. (https://www.angsarap.net/2014/05/06/liver-steak/)

Subscribe to her youtube and facebook channel to watch and learn about the recipe and process of her delicious home cooking!

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqcSmVAuV9WXJosG8-cq6rg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tiyanensfoodhub/

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