Monopoly booth at Peak in Hong Kong - 2019


I was talking about the Monopoly with our handsome @elmerlin in my post of the Toy Fair yesterday, which remind me that Hong Kong did have a Monopoly Dream back in 2019 at the Peak.

Peak is one of the to visit place for the tourists if you are visiting Hong Kong, I hardly go there after I grew up, unless I am going to show my friend whom visiting HK, otherwise I seldom go there by myself or with my family.

If my memory is correct, they were preparing to celebrate the 85 th anniversaries of the Monopoly for 2020, therefore they setup a Monopoly Dream booth at peak as a promotion.

Can’t say I am super big fan of the Monopoly but I like to collect their game set as my collection, when I knew there was such event at peak, I didn’t hesitate to take my mom to take a look there with me (the pandemic was to come out at that moment so we didn’t have to wear any mask)

I just made one serious mistake for my visit, I tough there would be less people as all the people went street trying to fight against to the HKSAR government on the extraordinary law, I guess not too many people would visit the peak on purpose during that period, so I didn’t reserve the ticket online before I get there, but I was absolutely wrong, it was super crowed when we arrived there, and many people had to queue to entre to the booth…

I did confirm my mom if she had interested to visit the booth with me, and she said she’s good, she could wait me outside the booth and let myself to visit there, em….definitely she had on interested to visit the booth, I was not a good idea for me to dump her outside and visiting in the booth and enjoying the air con and exciting atmosphere there, so I simply gave up, what a pity, I couldn’t see what I wanted to.

Of course, we couldn’t just leave the peak like that, at lease we could still take some pictures with the Monopoly decoration nearby the peak right? We therefore took a nice picture with the Monopoly statue.

After taking a pictures with the statue, we did also walk around the shops at the peak, I am going to show you guys the pictures in my next post.

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