2023-10-03 - Discord

If you want me back, let me tell you something. The more you give me, then the more I might give back, no promises and it depends. But in general, I'm drifting away from my main Oatmeal Discord server because it's not growing fast enough.

Invite Link to my Discord Server
Pruning Oatmeal

If you want me back on my Discord server or other groups on other websites or what have you, meet my demands which might include sending me hard drives or doing whatever else that might help. But regardless of whether you support me or not, I wanted my fans to run my Discord server, I wanted a community for all kinds of things. Simply put, the fate of my server is in your hands. Whether or not I'm active in the server or not, the success of the server is up to you.

In this article, I simply said I think maybe my Discord server died, you can try to meet my demands to get me back but no promises. Ask us about what the demands are. People are trying to imprison and murder me and others. A guy is getting sentenced to like 8 years in prison for selling Bitcoin which is legal. But government is bad. I've mentioned what some of my demands are on this page here but there is always more out there. This article is not finished and I may add more links and whatever to it or I may add additional articles and everything else for related and relevant stuff. I wanted to kind of put this out here once and for all for the record to get it all out and then move on kind of thing. This can be applied to my other groups and everything else too. I am basically trying to prioritize my time based on supply and demand and on where I am wanted and where I am needed most and everything else. I am rushing this article out without proof-reading it. Spell-check beware. I am so busy with everything. You can always ask us how to help. I'm also interested in helping people too. My server is here for people to meet each other and help each other out and have fun and everything else within reason. But it might be a waste of my time to spend too much time there unless if proven otherwise meaning change my mind by meeting my demands. Simple cold turkey and oatmeal. I am checking my Discord server once a day right now in October of 2023 and that may change to like once a week by like next month or something. But that can change if you change my mind or what not. Roy Merrick may not get it or whatever. Maybe in 38 months, Roy will eventually get it. Or maybe not. Remind me to like edit and fix up this article in the future. I may move some of the paragraphs to other pages or what not. I may try to add links and videos to this article. I always have more to say. I want to tell you more. But for now, know that people can always try to get me to become more active on Discord someday. It requires meeting demands. Good luck with that.


Screenshot at 2023-08-25 Meme Oatmeal Discord Roy Joey Gone Heaven Sunset.png

Oatmeal Gone

2023-10-03 - Discord
Oatmeal Daily - 2023-10-03 - Tuesday | Published in October of 2023


The more demands are met, the more you might get out of it with some exceptions absolutely to some extents depending on variables and factors long story. I've been talking about this for at least a year since like 2022 as in since last year in regards to my first and main Discord server named Oatmeal Joey Arnold I created in 2019 with my main Joeyarnoldvn account and thus applicable to other groups, communities, hubs, servers, clubs, organizations, gatherings, and what not, going back to like 1997 offline or maybe 2004 online or whichever years it may have been including Facebook going back to like 2006 or whatever.

My general take is my time is valuable and I want to try to prioritize my time to where I may be needed most. I've often started many projects in a desire to see what might work and to simply try to multitask in tackling as many projects as possible meaning accounts, groups, pages, video channels on YouTube, and everything else on social media platforms, blockchain blogs, video platforms, email, forums, etc. I ran around publishing and uploading content online since like 1997 and beyond. Good or bad, for better or for worse, right or wrong, I did many things in life, many reasons or not, stuff happened, be it good, be it bad, be it combinations therein, perhaps some or all of it is a big mess or what not. I'm in the process of trying to reorganize my life both offline and online even after spamming my content online past like twenty plus years online. I may be sorry for what I did. My intentions may have been good. I've been reflecting through my life evaluating through it.

I need help in organizing, summarizing, highlighting, and outlining my life and my content. I need help with a lot of things relating to many things. This is what I call my demands. The purpose of this post is to mention what some of those demands are. I was spending a lot of time in 2023, that is this current year, building my main Oatmeal server on Discord. My current conclusion now is that it failed. I'm willing to have people change my mind by showing me they want me there in the server. I made a poll asking people if they want me in my server or not. If I get 300 thumbs up, then I'll know I'm wanted. I didn't get 300 yet and I probably never will. This is one of my demands. My compromise and offer is meet my demands if you want to play ball. We can negotiate depending on demands met. Simply put, the more demands met, then the more I may give. Outside of that, regardless of how often I may interact there, my server is run by other people who are my mods, admins, masters, rulers, gods, owners, etc. I told them I was willing to promote them if they got 300 people to vote for or against me in the poll. They refused. I was willing to make them admins and owners so they can run the server. They said no.

I am not here to detail every second of my history on Discord. I just wanted to say I felt like I failed. I have many different demands which you should meet. I need over ten terabytes of hard drives or more. I need people to build me websites and what not. I need my content shared to TikTok, YouTube, Rumble, Twitter X, Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Bitchute, Hive Blog, Twitch, Kick, Discord, video platforms, blogs, social media, websites, email, phone apps, etc. I need people to edit my videos. Do duets of me on TikTok. And the list goes on and on. I'm also interested in promoting people in my server who do things for the world. I could probably talk all day about my demands. You can always ask us what those demands might be. You can always use your imagination if you're curious. These are just some of the example. I may not include links to all the stuff I have written about Discord over the years and all the videos. I may try to include more links and everything else in the future but not right now. But my point is this is where I am. I feel like Discord is full of trolls who waste my time. People are welcomed to join my server to make friends, to advertise, to network, to market, to debate, to share content, memes, videos, GIFs, pictures, files, data, links, etc. Invite people to your own servers and groups and social media and websites and stuff. I wanted to unite like-minded people in the server. But it seems that mostly trolls run around in the server. This article here that you are reading might not be an official article but rather an incomplete rough draft summary outline preview dream of what should be as this web page post is wordy on purpose for the record to try to let people know some of what is on my mind. People can try to draw me back into the server if enough demands are perhaps met or what have you. As demands are not met, then I begin to spend less and less time on Discord.

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