My Daily Post: Visiting at The Farm In Calangahan, Lugait Misamis Oriental


Today, we decided to visit our farm land here in Barangay Calangahan, Lugait Misamis Oriental and it is been few days since we did not take a visit and check the place. It is good to have a place were we can plant different kinds of crops, valuable plants just like coconut trees and different kinds of native trees that can make the place cool and relaxing. 8 AM this morning when me and my Mother started to take a walk going to the Farm. It takes a few minutes before we arrived at the place and it was an adventurous walked because of the grassy place. We must walked slowly and carefully because there might be any dangerous animals like snakes, Scorpions and wasps.



I am very amazed of the place I've seen as we arrived at the farm, there are lots of big and tall trees grows and it keeps the place cool and relaxing. Some of the branches of the trees are started to filled with more leaves. One of the native trees can be seen here are Molavie, also known as Tugas. This kind of tree is good for making furnitures, and other construction purposes like walls and floors. There are also lots of animals like birds, snails and monitor lizards hidden in the bushes and under the trees.



Some of the fruit trees we have here is the Manggo tree, in fact some of the trees we have here already produced more fruits. It was also lucky for this fruits because it wont still damage even if there are lots of harmful insects like wasps and bees. As the fruits grows in stable, it will be expected to do harvesting by next Month and our plan for this is to divided and share to our relatives. Also some of this fruits will be sell to the Supermarket in a great price, and this will helped in our Family needs. As for that, we decided to burned some of the leaves so that the smokes will come up to the fruits, and the insects will fly away.


We also planted more coconut trees here at the farm, and all of it are already produced more coconut fruits. But we have a serious problem we faced here, the intense heat keeps happening here in the Town and those coconut trees can't be abled to produced more fruits. Last harvesting activities, we harvested and gathered 5,650 coconut fruits but the next harvesting we only gathered 4,580 coconuts. It shows that the number of coconut fruits we harvested is keeping down due to intense heat. This is a serious problem to all farmers here especially for us.


Here at the farm is is much better to walk very carefully specially when we walk at the place full of Grass and bushes. As we at the middle of farm visiting, I noticed this wasps hive built at the twigs of the guava. Luckily we don't touch those twigs, wasps is also a kind of dangerous insects found at the Province. If this insects can sting us, it can produce swelling and sometimes it will lead to allergy reactions.


We also gathered more dry palm trees to make it as firewood. We don't used any kind of stoves and any high tech cooking materials like rice cooker and electric heater, instead we only used firewoods. This is traditional here starting back on our ancestors and elders days. First, we removed the leaves and after that we put it in the manggo tree trunk so it will fastly dry. Living in a Province or any places away from crowded areas is very fun and enjoyable. I really preferred to lived just like this place, away from noises and have a peaceful life of living.

Thank you for reading and visiting my post, best regard to everyone.

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