Celebrating My 6th Hive Birthday and Doing Groceries Alone

Happy 6th Hive Birthday, Straykat!!!

It's almost two weeks and this post has been long overdue. Finally, I get to write a post about it. :)

I've barely visited Hive since last year because of things that had happened in real life. I have to focus first on myself and adjust to a life without my mom. It was difficult and still struggling today.


I missed Hive and even though I can barely make time for it now, I still had a way to make a simple celebration for my 6th year. I made an omelette and wrote on it using a ketchup. Hehe.

This omelette is only made of onion, potato, salt, pepper, butter, and egg. It tastes good with the ketchup. I also made french fries in salted egg flavor.


I was really careful while doing the lettering and drawing the Hive logo! Haha. I don't a piping bag to create thin lines so what I did was put some ketchup in an ice plastic; tied it and cut a small portion of the plastic's tip!


Tada! It's a simple breakfast made special because of Hive.


I'm happy of the progress Hive is making and how some few people still welcome me back, even though I keep making comeback posts. Lol. But thank you so much.

Anyway, I've been feeling weak lately. I don't know why. I'm just thankful I don't faint while doing my groceries. I have to do it alone for now.


It's fun to do groceries alone though! You get to buy what you want and take your time. I started purchasing some ingredients I needed for the holidays because I'm afraid they would run out as the holidays approaches.


On my way home, I was able to take a photo of the road reflectors. They look nice in the dark and it's good our local government did this to make the road more safe. The Christmas lights were also being set up at the bridge when we passed by.

So, happy Hive birthday to me! 🥳 Kudos to everyone making the blockchain stay on its track and goals, and for making a space for us normies to have something to spill out our thoughts. Thank you! :)

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