My Hivestation

Justin has announced a new contest. It is about how your hive workstation looks like. For more info, do check out the link below.

Hi.. It is Thursday and it is me @luueetang. This is where I spend my nights at. I did not clean it to show a perfect workspace but a rather realistic space. Usually, the time I spend writing is either during the early part of the day or when everything gets settled down and around 8PM.

This is my Hive Station

Quite pinkish. It's next to my bed. This is where I watch movies, write stuff on Hive and if I feel sleepy, just jump into my bed and catch a short nap. There is a fan to reduce the usage of air conditioning. It has saved a lot of electricity bill. There is also a cup of drink beside my laptop to have get my brain cells going. It's always coffee. The huge bag on the left side is my pencil case full of pens. I love pens.


That brown bag is my drone and a drawer beneath the table for storing my hard disk. There is also a box of bricks. Sometimes, when I am rendering YouTube videos, I would spend a bit of time building bricks. That is my chair, a round plastic chair. I am going to get a gaming chair in the future.

The box full of bricks and a bottle of lavender.

This is my new project. Finished my last one last week and going to start with the new project soon. Lots of things keeping me busy every single day. The drawer below is where I keep my hard disk and some electronic stuff.

On my desk
Old phones that I still use. A GoPro and its charger. Some supplements. I put it besides me so I would remember to eat them. A tablet with a pink case. My laptop is on top of my other laptop.

Behind my current laptop is my recent brick project that I took approximately a month to built.

Whenever I have time, I'll take a couple of pieces and fix it. Maybe while I am watching a movie.

Some new cute keychains that my wife just bought. I am still keeping them here till I find a place to put them.
I will show my toy display my toy collection when I am free. I still have lots of post ideas at the moment.

The charging station

The charging station for all my electronic needs.

Medicated oil with a wick.

It keeps the room smelling good and mosquitoes away. Medicated herbal oil. That's what my working station looks like. I do sometimes reply comments on my phone but most of the time, I do it on my laptop. I love the feeling of keypads. I used to have a desktop but I think it's better to have laptops since nowadays, laptops are capable of replicating the processing power of a desktop computer that would otherwise in the past be impossible or expensive. I did not clean up the place to post. So you can see what it really looks like. I could have just cleaned it and you won't be able to relate. hahaha.. cause most people have a mildly messy place. Maybe.

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