What Is Stem Cell Treatment and How Can It Help You In Your Journey To Healthier Living?

What Is Stem Cell Treatment and How Can It Help You In Your Journey To Healthier Living?


Hello Friends,

I believe in trying to live a healthy life, and as such... sometimes I experiment a bit with healthy things to increase my ability to live a rich and reward life.

I was invited to try a stem cell drip at a center one of my friend's works. Sure, I was nervous, but the curiosity about what it could do won me over, and I said yes. So, yesterday I got stuck with a needle and got some Stem Cells Dripped into me.

The place I went to was:

Dr. Hai Clinic - Phòng khám Bác Sĩ Hải - Aesthetic & Gynecology

Located at : 146 Le Dinh Ly, Da Nang, Vietnam
On Facebook at : https://www.facebook.com/drhaiclinic.vn

If you are not aware, Stem cells have been a cornerstone of medical research for decades. Known as the “master cells” because of their ability to replicate and produce new and specialized cells, researchers are working tirelessly to unlock the full potential of these remarkable cells. Stem cell treatment is an emerging and promising medical procedure that has been widely adopted in cosmetic surgery, orthopedics, cardiology, and other fields.

It uses stem cells from your body to improve your health by regenerating damaged tissues and promoting healing. The process involves extracting stem cells from a patient (usually from bone marrow or adipose tissue), manipulating those cells, so they become more advanced (called differentiation), then reintroducing them into the body to stimulate new tissue growth.

For my treatment, this is what I got dripped.


*** Disclaimer, I am not a doctor, and this is not an endorsement for any medical treatment; this is just my experience. Any medical thing you should consult a doctor about before undergoing. While I attempted to ensure this article was correct, it may not be. In summary, do your own research.

What Are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can become many different types of cells in the body, including those found in the skin, muscles, blood vessels, and internal organs. While they are found in all adults, they are more abundant when we are young, so children and teens can recover from injuries and illnesses much more quickly than adults.

Stem cells also allow our bodies to heal and regenerate when we’re wounded — when a finger is cut, for example, stem cells rush to the site and create new, healthy skin. Stem cells are also used in the laboratory to grow new organs for people who need transplants.

There are three types of stem cells that researchers are studying: Adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells.

This is the doctor getting ready to inject me. PS I hate needles.

Why Are Stem Cells Important To Our Health?

Stem cells are the body’s repair team.

They’re responsible for replacing old and dying cells with fresh and new ones. Stem cells also play a crucial role in the growth and development of our tissues and organs. Stem cells are pluripotent, which means they can develop into a variety of different cell types.

Egg cells and embryos also contain pluripotent cells, but after a few weeks in the womb, the embryo’s stem cells go through a process called differentiation that turns them into specialized cells like heart muscle or bone. In adults, stem cells are like the original version: still undifferentiated.

This is me looking a bit nervous about what is about to happen. lol. 😄

Types of Stem Cell Treatment and How They Can Help

Stem Cell Treatment has many uses, from replacing damaged tissues to fighting autoimmune diseases. Here are some of the most common applications of stem cell therapy.

  • Regenerative Skin and Wound Healing: Skin is the body’s largest organ and is responsible for regulating our temperature, toxins, and infections. It helps prevent harmful UV rays from penetrating the body, regulates our body temperature, and provides us with a sense of touch. Unfortunately, skin tissue is very fragile and susceptible to breakage, as well as damage from aging, disease, and UV rays. Stem cells can treat breakouts, rashes, and wounds by stimulating the growth of new skin tissue. They can also be used to treat minor skin conditions like acne and psoriasis.
  • Orthopedic Healing: Stem cell applications in orthopedics include healing tissue damage from arthritis and sports injuries, such as torn ligaments, fractures, and joint deterioration. They can also be used to create new organs for people waiting for organ transplants.
  • Cardiovascular Health and Diabetes Treatment: Stem cells have been used to replace damaged blood vessel cells and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases: Brain degeneration is a serious health issue that can lead to conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Stem cell therapy can be used to replace brain cells damaged by aging and diseases.
  • Hair Regeneration: Stem cells can be used to encourage hair growth in people who suffer from Hair Loss.
  • Immune System Boost: Stem cells can be used to fight autoimmune diseases like arthritis, asthma, psoriasis, and lupus. They can also be used to create artificial organs for transplants.

I hate needles so much, they put it in my right arm, but I was so stressed mymusles just rejected the needle, so they gave me tea, then we did the left arm and it worked well...

Limitations of Stem Cell Treatments

Although stem cells have long been the subject of great medical interest and hope, the field has faced numerous challenges.

The first is ethical: should we be creating and destroying human embryos for research? Indeed, that is the source of stem cells for about 99% of research.

The second is safety. For example, mesenchymal stem cells have been used to treat patients with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other joint diseases. However, these cells can cause serious immune reactions, as well as triggering an autoimmune response.

A third challenge is that, while some stem cell treatments have been proven to be effective, they are rarely covered by insurance companies, and the cost of these procedures is often prohibitively high for many patients.

Here in Vietnam the cost of the drip was 1,800,000 VND, or about $75 USD.

HAHAH, Oh, I hate needles so so much, but hey... I am still alive?


Stem cells are the “master cells” in our bodies. They can be found in all tissues, but they are most abundant in embryos and young children. They are the source of all new cells in our bodies as they are able to create new, healthy cells as needed to replace old and dying cells. Stem cell therapy is a promising treatment used to help heal and regenerate tissues and organs, as well as fight and prevent diseases. However, the field has faced ethical challenges and challenges in safety and effectiveness.

As for how I feel, well, one word, excellent!

Despite the full process taking about 90 min and my fear of needles, it was worth it.

I have more energy a day later; I work up feeling recharged, and my lower back which has been bothering me, is not bothering me as much; I think it was worth the cost of treatment and will do this again.


Thanks for reading, I hope you have a great day.

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