Hello Strangers! Still Planting and Planking, and Everything in Between

April 2023 Garden Journal.png

Hello my friends! This may be my longest absence from blogging, but it truly has been the busiest season of life in a long time. Lots good, plenty stressful, but I'm happy to carve out a wee bit of time today to check in with my fellow gardeners on Hive!

Given how busy things have been in these parts, my garden is well behind where it often is this time of year. At least as far as seedlings go! The weather was unusually warm in February, but took a turn in March making it tough to get much going outdoors. From here on out, however, I've got a new spot to get my seedlings started no matter the temperature: a new backyard greenhouse!


A dear friend was so thoughtful to gift me this amazing addition to our garden for my birthday this year. She did check in with @dksart first to make sure he was up to the task of putting it together. No small feat given the amount of parts...

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Just looking at the instructions made me dizzy. He's quite handy, however, so thank goodness for that!

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Over the course of the weekend it went from two boxes full of framing, panels and screws to a fully upright structure.


It was hard to tell how big it would be from the photos on the box, but at about 6' x 10' it is plenty big enough for our novice endeavors. No mistaking it for a professional greenhouse, though it seems to be sturdy enough to withstand our usual weather, and also light enough to move it if ever necessary.


I'm excited to be able to start seeds outdoors earlier next year, and perhaps finally get some help extending my season. We will still have to fill in around the base to keep out critters, and possibly add some gravel to cover up the grass inside. For now though, I've got my small batch of seedlings moved in to stay warm and toasty, as well as out of the grasp of the birds who tend to poke around the soil snatch up my seeds before they can sprout!


Otherwise, the usual herbs are bouncing back like mad, and my one plant in the ground is starting to inch up day by day. The snow peas luckily survived some crazy fluctuations in temperature and storms, so hopefully I'll get to munch on fresh ones soon!


Until then, I'll enjoy the thought of an abundant harvest with the other new addition this spring...


Think it will bring me luck in the garden this year? If not, I'm right on brand at the farmers market. ;)

I'm not sure what the rest of this season will bring as far as free time to keep stopping by, but I will pop my head in when I can! I do so love to see what everyone is growing around the #HiveGarden world, and I appreciate @riverflows keeping me on the list despite my apparent ghosting of the community!

Banners by @riverflows, @woman-onthe-wing and @dksart

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