The Cycle of My 1st Little Rose - A Gift from nature to me and to you <3

Sometimes, you need to slow things down and appreciate the really tiny, beautiful miracles that surround us in our daily lives.

This little rose, truly is a miracle as I am usually awful at looking after plants, and yet here it was.

Blooming in all it's pink glory, in the perfect sunny spring spot on my windowsill. Unapologetic for its beauty, gifting us with a new face each time I photographed it every day over the last few days.

In all the fun and chaos that has consumed our household of late, I have found great peace and joy in watching something I've nourished grow and thrive.

As it got a little later into this beautiful buds bloom though, I realised, at some stage, it would be necessary to prune it off to allow other buds the chance to bloom and grow.

The timing of my picking may seem a little odd, but I chose to pick it at it's most beautiful, and just in time for @ZakLudick's birthday, to add that special final magical touch to his spectacular birthday cake.

I do hope my rose bush will forgive me and that this is just the beginning of a very long life together.

All photos were taken by me on my astonishingly fantastic Honor Mobile Device. A really pleasantly surprising phone, that has taken beautiful closeups, that haven't been possible on any of my previous android phones!

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