Recurring Summer Holiday Tasks - Everything New!

Summer sales - skechers.png

Summer sales

I love sales, especially when it comes to items that I find expensive enough with the 50% summer discount price. For example, socks are socks and paying 1 euros a pair in the summer sales is more than enough because they surely won't last any longer if I pay twice that price a month sooner or later.

Therefore it's become a recurring task in summer to go through all the old socks, dump the lonely and shrunken socks or those that accidentally ended up in the wrong laundry batch, and replace them with a new badge of socks for the new school year starts.

Every year, I tune in just in time to grab at least 2 bundles of socks in time before they run out of her new size. Then I also make sure to ditch old underwear (unless still good) and make sure old sneakers are replaced by fresh new ones. This year I especially had a great haul of replacing things, finding the best deals at the right time.


Since we bought a pair of Skechers for our daughter just before leaving Budapest, she's been a fan of the brand because they are so light and she loved the rainbow pattern of the old shoes. I have to say they were so easy to combine with everything that I was happy to get her another pair when the old ones were too small. It was a lucky shot to grab another pair right on sale.

Sadly, kids grow fast and this is what was left of the old pair:

New Skechers 2024 (12).jpg
Old vs new

I don't believe we ever had a pair falling apart as much as these but she refused to wear her new sandals which we assumed she'd wear all summer. But nope, she kept wearing these so I knew I had to be quick with my shoe hunt this summer. Thankfully, at the beginning of summer I managed to find this pair for a good price and it was SO hard to even find one pair her size, let alone for a good price.

Buying the same brand at least avoids having issues with the size, with Skechers we know, 1 size down to have a perfect fit. I didn't expect the new pair to be this flashy in real life though.

Dirty shoes

It was a bit trickier to buy the new pair as they are much lighter and they will be dirty much quicker than the old rainbow version but I got it covered by buying a second pair lightweight sneakers from another brand which she can use for the days she will have sports classes at school.

New Skechers 2024 (6).jpg

As she's already wearing both new pairs for about 6 weeks now, I bet they will not be as shiny as they were upon arrival anymore but that's probably for the best when school starts. Just two more weeks of summer holiday survival and three weeks before the pool closes in our community. I will probably be gutted that I have to wait until next summer but I'm also looking forward to having a good routine again and not having to deal with the 8 year old's attitude some days.

I'm curious

Do you have the same routines with buying new stuff every year around the same time? I mean, it's not the only time I buy her new things, I mean that happens all year round but some items are just a recurring summer task.

This year we had to replace her trolley for the backpack (as they all have a trolley with backpack to school here) because it was broken and so was her lunchbox. We bought her a new water bottle as well from aluminium this time, also scored for 50% deal. Life is already expensive enough as is so I enjoy picking up these great deals when I can.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you have a good day :)

All pictures above are mine..

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