PitayaMisu - A Tropical Twist On Tiramisu

Pitayamisu dessert.png

Pitayas aka dragon fruit

Remember that I bought a whole box of pitayas not too long ago? And that we all absolutely adored them to the point where I eventually ended up buying the very last box from that farmer? Well, it's been a pitaya journey since. Damn, these things are tasty if you put them in a smoothie or dessert. I'm still not sure if the purple or white ones are my favourite.

Of course I planned on using them in other ways than only in smoothies when I bought them because this fruit doesn't only look amazing, it simply IS amazing in many ways. They're so healthy and I've noticed a significant change since we consumed them almost daily. Of course this will end eventually because once the frozen ones are consumed, it's a long wait until next pitaya season. I'm very happy that I ended up buying the last box because I wouldn't have want to miss this badge honestly.

Ice cream

The original request was to make ice cream with it but I somehow wasn't sure anymore about the process so while prepping, I changed my plans to making a creamy pitaya dessert because I had mascarpone left that should be consumed within days. As I don't fancy throwing out food, this was perfect and I just started the usual prepping of a dessert based on mascarpone. Usually, I do this with chocolate but now I wanted to replace this with pitaya.

I almost forgot there needs to be sugar in that mix because otherwise it's not it, mind you, I didn't measure the sugar as everything went in on the go, sorry. Just add bits and taste if it's sweet enough to your liking is my advise.

Pitaya cream

So thankfully I read that you should first mash these pitayas and then cook them with some gelatine water to have a good consistency because otherwise it's possible I would have thrown them mashed inside the cream instead. Maybe that works as well but I don't have much experience making creams based on mascarpone so I was not willing to risk ruining a perfectly good pitaya that day.

Pitayas in gelatine.jpg

I prepped the gelatine in cold water as per instructions of the package. I had no clue how much gelatine was needed so I just took a bunch of it, hoping it would be sufficient. After all, this was a new thing to try for me. I added the parts of Pitaya on top before starting to mash and cook it as you can see below:

Cooking pitaya with gelatine.png

I put some aside in a bowl so it could cool off a bit faster to later mix it into the mascarpone cream.


Meanwhile, when I saw the ladyfingers in the cupboard, I had an idea and decided I'd go for a Tiramisu-like dessert. I prepped a coffee and let it cool for a while before I'd soak the fingers in the coffee. But now at least I had a plan for the end result of the dessert because until that moment, I had no clue how it was going to look or taste!

soaked lady fingers.jpg

I took half of the mascarpone from the fridge and added cacao to it until it had a chocolate taste:

Mascarpone with cacao.jpg

While the other half was going to get delicious pitaya mixed in once cooled off:

pitaya mascarpone cream.jpg

The perfect glasses

Now I don't have a huge variety of glasses or dessert type of things to make stuff look fancy but I figured these glasses were good enough to make it look pretty while being able to layer this stuff up for different taste sensations.

Layering up the Pitayamisu.png

Here you can see the layers I used for the "Pitayamisu", coffee soaked ladyfingers topped with chocolate cream and pitaya cream and repeat.

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Chill in the fridge for a few hours for the best results!

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Pitayamisu with a view

The different tastes of chocolate combined with coffee soaked ladyfingers and sweet pitaya was much better than I expected. I guess this will be a recipe to fine tune and save in a recipe book for later for the offspring.. I love the name, PitayaMisu :)



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