The "Secret Ways" to Avoid the Devil's Invisible Trap of Euthanasia

Around March last year I joined a writing prompt of a community here. The topic was about euthanasia and I was for it back then. At the time I still had a distorted view of such a subject, like everyone else who agrees to the mercy killing of someone sick or dying.

Here I will share why I am now against such actions. I take back what I said in that previous post. No longer am I in favor of euthanasia. (For the context and what it means, please read that previous post I linked.) Human life is precious. We must do everything in our power to save people's lives even if they are sick beyond any human possible healing.


Have You Ever Thought of What We Must Do Instead of Doing Euthanasia?

I'll give you a few minutes to think what we can do instead of removing the life support of a loved one. What would be the best thing to do rather than allowing a family member to end their life just to ease their own suffering from a debilitating disease?

To be fair, up to last year I also never thought of what I will share with you now. Back then I had no idea or inkling at all that there are several other things that're way better to do than let someone sick or dying be mercy killed in a hospital or at home. I was still not fully renewed in my faith yet during the early months of 2023, that's why.

So... Have you thought of anything yet?

Uh oh, wait, I think I know what you might be thinking...


Oh no, no, no. Don't think of going to faith healers or witch doctors puhleeze. 😂 Are they the ones who gave life to your family member? Who are they to have any authority over the life of a sick and dying unrelated person? Never ever do such a thing because you will just bring demons into your lives. Ask any Catholic exorcist priest and they will tell you the same thing.

So, based on that, have you got a clue?

I'm sure you know what I will say now huh? What do you think is the morally correct thing to do as a solution to stopping the practice of euthanasia?

What Would God Rather We Do With Our Sick and Dying Loved Ones?

Again, I admit I never thought of these before. I mean, why would I when I was a quite a nominal Catholic. 😂 Why would I even think of such things when I didn't have a strong faith in God back then? Up to last year I was like the rest of the clueless and lukewarm Christians who agree that euthanasia is a humane thing to do. Ah how ignorant of me.

How did I learn of what you'll read? Divine inspiration, what else? 😆 Okay, okay, it's also more of common sense as a follower of Christ and as someone finally on the road to holiness. It's a hard path to take but I'd rather do this than anything else in the world.

So anyway, what can we do instead of commit the grave sin of euthanasia? Let me count the ways:

1. If the person is a Catholic, contact a priest, have them do the Anointing of the Sick.

The priest rubbing oil on the palm as part of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. | photo source

In case they are of another Christian denomination, have their pastor do something equivalent to it, if there's any.

"Why, what does that sacrament do?" you might ask. Read my detailed post about it. Or please do a quick online search on it. 😉

2. Next, contact a Catholic exorcist priest.

Even non-Catholics do this too! Anyway if the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick did not heal them nor make them pass peacefully to the next life then look for a local exorcist from the nearest church. Whether the person is a Catholic or not, this ministry can also be of help to severely sick and dying people.

There are documented cases of severe or weird illnesses getting healed miraculously after an exorcist helps them out. I'm not kidding. Look for online talks of such priests and you will learn of said stories.

Bear in mind that not all illnesses can be cured by them. Healing will happen to those caused by evil spirits or even curses. Of course they will also ask you to do certain things too. The family members (and the sick person, if conscious and able to) must amend their lives in order for any demons in the family to leave them alone. Otherwise if the priest's and his assistant/s instructions aren't followed then expect some kind of demonic retaliation instead.

If you'd rather skip this then here's an alternative.

A Catholic priest celebrating mass. | Photo source

3. Offer masses for the intention of the sick person's healing.

Hey, even if you're not religious, you can still do this! Go to the church office and offer masses for the man or woman who's sick and dying.

The mass presided over by a priest is the strongest form of prayer here on Earth. By his offering of the body and blood of Christ we also offer up our supplications with him while we ask for God's mercy.

Aside from that, we can even offer our own emotional, mental or physical sufferings to God for the sake of the family member who's ill. We can do this even outside of mass! Read why Your Pain and Suffering is Worth More Than Gold.

Just remember, whatever will be the will of God so be it. Let us be open to accept what the Lord decides on what is best for all.

4. Ask for Prayers from everyone who can pray for the sick and dying person.

Here we go, I know some of you are already scoffing if not laughing. Some people think praying to God is useless. How sad to not know how powerful any intercessory prayer to the Holy Trinity is.


A group of people who pray for someone and ask the Lord for healing can do wonders. No I am not talking about a pray over. No no no. That is a different thing altogether. Unless that someone doing the laying of hands is a priest then do not do such a thing.

We do not have any authority to lay hands in prayer over other people's heads especially when they aren't our family members (like our own children). I unfortunately also thought such was fine back then, but no! Generally, evil spirits will not recognize such prayers and they can do more harm than good. Just ask any Catholic exorcist priest.

What I am saying is, do not discount people praying to the Lord and asking for someone's healing. (Matthew 18:19-20) Prayers of a community, a group of devout Catholics or any of the cloistered contemplative nuns are definitely powerful.

Of course you must pray for the sick/dying family member too, not only other people! Your prayers will be more earnest than anyone else's for sure and God will surely listen to such.

5. Ask for the intercession of the Mother of God and the many saints.

Yep, aside from having friends and strangers pray to Jesus to cure someone we can also ask for those already in Heaven for help!

Are you not desperate to earn money and avoid incurring a huge amount of hospital bills? Then why not even ask the saints and Mama Mary's assistance to let God cure any life-threatening illness?

Committing a grave sin such as euthanasia is damaging to our soul and so the devil does everything to make people do it. Praying for Mama Mary's intercession will make all evil spirits flee from us. If you don't believe me, try it and see for yourself. 😂

Anyway we don't have anything to lose by asking for heavenly help. This is why many sick people and their friends/relatives go on a pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. Look up St. Bernadette and Our Lady of Lourdes for more info.

People praying in church | (photo source)

What Happens When We Do the "Secret Ways" Above Instead of Euthanasia?

Of course, the first thing that will happen is the devil will flee from you. Demons will hate you more for finally turning to God. 😂 Why not when you will suddenly call on Jesus after years or maybe decades of not doing so. They thought you were already in the bag, ready for hell but then such a tragedy happened in your family that now you are connecting back to the one true God. Awwww. ♥️

Next, either God will eventually heal the sick and dying person or He will take away the life He gave. (Deuteronomy 32:39) Remember, no person has the right to take someone's life even if that human being is severely suffering. Don't even give in to the patient's request to end their own life because both of you will be committing a mortal sin before they die! Do everything above and more to save that person from hell upon death!

Lastly, of course we will grow closer to God and save our soul from committing a mortal sin. Who knows, your extremely sick family member/relative/friend might even have another chance at life and be able to repent and grow closer to God before his/her death too! All in heaven shall rejoice when such happens. 👏

Have you done any of the above before? Care to share your thoughts? 😁


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