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Saints and Jesus vs. "Secret Sin" People Keep Committing

I've previously written about the three kinds of Christians in this world. That's the first part of a three part series I wrote. In it I discuss who the cold, lukewarm and hot people in the faith are.

Feel free to read here: Are You a Lukewarm, Hot or Cold Catholic / Christian? (1 of 3)

Apparently there's more to say about being a lukewarm Christian. Why? Because I know what it's like to be all three. I started out as a lukewarm Catholic then went cold enough and now finally getting hot. Whew, I tell you, being hot in the faith is the best and most rewarding of them all!


Now I wouldn't be saying anything if there wasn't a need for it. Just look at the world around us and how it's turning out. Crimes, self-harm and overall degradation of morality reported in the news and posted on social media.

People act as if Jesus never even died for anyone! What a crying shame that we even like to learn more about bad news! 🤦‍♀️💔 Where's the love in the world now when everywhere (even online) we see people who just don't care anymore?

If we don't want to be "spit out of Jesus' mouth" for being lukewarm in the faith, we better get ourselves together and renounce evil (as evidenced by our bad behaviors). No I am not scaring you about being "thrown up" or out. That's what's going to happen according to the Book of Revelation 3:15-16.

Folks, it's time to listen and run back to God.


Human History and Religion go Hand in Hand

True repentance and actively practicing your Christian religion is a must! That will allow you to finally accept His mercy willingly and eventually change for the better. Otherwise, learn about world history and look for its relation to religion. You will then see how humanity keeps repeating the same mistakes. People learn but then go back to the old and wrong ways eventually, thus the need for constant reminders from God.

All throughout history we can read about the many sanctified or holy individuals. I consider saints to be another proof of God's works and words. They are the living testaments of His and Mama Mary's existence after the New Testament.

Many centuries have passed and hundreds have been canonized. I daresay they are the modern prophets. This is why it is also important to know what Jesus and His mother have to say through the mouths of these sanctified humans.

God (thru the saints) said more regarding this terrible "secret" behavior. He told many things to a variety of holy people over the centuries. Usually these sanctified and canonized men or women share their life experience and thoughts ultimately as instructed or inspired by God. So here's two things I found out last year.

St. Faustina Kowalska, Diary entry 1228

This one surprised me. I didn't think there would be something about lukewarmness mentioned in her diary. Well I have not read her published diary but have been listening from time to time to the Diary in a Year videos.

Here's what Jesus has to say about lukewarmness as told to the saint:

Today bring to Me souls who have become lukewarm, and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. These souls wound My Heart most painfully. My soul suffered the most dreadful loathing in the Garden of Olives because of lukewarm souls. They were the reason I cried out: ‘Father, take this cup away from Me, if it be Your will.’ For them, the last hope of salvation is to run to My mercy. (Diary entry 1228)

In case you didn't know, St. Faustina is one of those who became a 'victim soul'. To volunteer to be one means imitating the Eucharistic life of Christ. (Definition from The Life and Message of Sister Mary of The Holy Trinity: Poor Clare of Jerusalem (1901-1942))

A short prayer to Jesus behind the small card I got somewhere.

St. Josemaria Escrivá on lukewarmness

This year I received another info/prayer card of this saint. I already had one in Tagalog (Filipino) and then I was given an English one. I don't really know much about him but I've started checking on this saint last month.

One Sunday, I saw a YouTube post about him and how he was "ignored" by a certain Catholic vlogger. Of course he got the guy's attention eventually but heck I feel like he's also calling my attention. 😆

Good thing St. Josemaria has a lot to say about this topic! Initially I only knew this canonized priest was the Opus Dei founder. Well let's find out what he has to say about being tepid Christians:

You are lukewarm if you carry out lazily and reluctantly those things that have to do with our Lord; if deliberately or 'shrewdly' you look for some way of cutting down your duties; if you think only of yourself and of your comfort; if your conversations are idle and vain; if you do not abhor venial sin; if you act from human motives. (Ch. 331, The Way)

What's the remedy?

  1. Study. This can either be the Bible, the works and lives of saints or any literature/video pertaining to Jesus' teachings, etc. (Read Ch. 334 and 340 of The Way)
  2. Marian devotion. (Ch. 492 of The Way) She can lead us closer to Jesus and God.
  3. Love and deeds. “Help me to love You more. Increase my love!” ; “Love means deeds and not sweet words.” (Ch. 497 and 498, The Forge)

Saint card with prayer and short info abt him. This one was given to me by a priest.

What Now?

Well my next article will be about how someone can get rid of the tepid Christian lifestyle. Actually the remedy above can already be your starting point. But the best solution is always love. Spreading love for God and each other is the answer but it's not always easy to do.

In reality all of our problems stem from the lack of love for one another. Unfortunately the people who are not used to getting or experiencing love will never know how to share it to others. Only when someone gives them unconditional love will people finally realize what's missing. 😢 And that's a topic for another day.

For the meantime, don't delay in following the Lord's commandments and avoiding the 7 deadly sins. If you keep procrastinating, something will bite you in the toot and you won't like it. 😂 (Not literally but you should get the picture.) It happened to me and a lot of people, it can happen to you too.

Care to share your thoughts?


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