Two People Who Helped Set Me Free From My Personal Hell (LOH 186)

Life is truly a mystery, we never know what we would do next and who would help and influence us. I never expected I would be able to change my life for the better after it got worse than ever.

The Ladies of Hive community writing prompt #186 asks if there are any individual who influenced and profoundly impacted our personal development. If I saw that question before 2023 I wouldn't have been able to think of anyone. I think I've seen some writing prompts like this before but was never able to write anything. Now I finally have something to share to everyone!


What Happened Prior to and During 2023?

If you're not a follower and aren't a regular reader of mine, let me give you a little background first. As written in my 2023 year end summary (Part 1):

You can read that post to learn more and then read Part 2 here for added context.

After reading those two, for sure you already know who I will mention here. 😆 And you would also know how they helped to change me for the better.

What to Do When Nothing's Going Right in Your Life

If you didn't think it's worth reading the two posts I mentioned and linked above then you might not get the whole story. Anyway, as I said I felt like my life was getting worse, my attitude and behavior were becoming so negative that I had to do something. Surely there was something going horribly wrong with me but I had no clue what or why.

However, I did have some idea but I would always sweep such away from my mind. At the time I didn't realize one of the 7 Deadly Sins called Pride was making me be like, "duh, I'm not stupid". But that's only until I became sure something was indeed making me turn to the dark side.

Sometime in 2021 a "distance healer" told me there were demons around me. Who'd believe such a thing when I felt fine at the time he told me about it? Crazy right?


Eventually I noticed my suicidal thoughts were increasing day by day. Gradually I also developed so much hate inside of me for everyone, including myself. The worst part was I even began cursing God because of my suffering! 😱 Oh that shocked me to the core! These were mainly the reasons I began to really find ways to stop my suddenly obvious descent to evil. Had to search for answers stat! Thank God I found the right ones!

If you're experiencing something like what I described, feel free to read what I did. Find out what you can do in these posts:

Guess Who Helped Me Break Out of My Personal Hell?

Because I finally knew what was going on with me, I asked a former seminarian what to do. Eventually I found two of the best people online who could help me even without seeing them personally.

Can you guess who? If you've read my older posts you'd already know who these two are. Haha. You'd also know how I found them. Anyway it would be too long if I wrote everything all over again so feel free to read about them in my other posts.

Basically, most of us don't think we are prone to do evil because of the Original Sin. On top of that, there are invisible demons among us. Constantly they add fuel to the fire, influencing us to commit many venial and mortal or grave sins.

All fallen angels want us to be damned and become evil like them especially when we rarely confess our sins and avoid going to mass! Thank God for priests who are now online and speaking out, catechizing people. Finally!!!

Imho the best thing that ever came out of the pandemic is the proliferation of online content from the Catholic Church! For example, the many informative videos from these two priests:


👉 Fr. Chad Ripperger

He's one of the well-known American Catholic exorcist priests online. However take note that he is under FSSP which is a traditionalist group of priests. Prepare yourself for hardcore content if you will watch his talks / videos.

His interview about Gregorian chants was the beginning of my freedom from demonic obsession/oppression. I watched the other videos of the series after that interview and the rest is history!

More details about how his interviews helped me in this post:

👉 Fr. Jocis Syquia

Of course I got curious if we also have our own exorcist priests. And boy was I so happy to find out about the chief exorcist of the Archdiocese of Manila. According to the interviews I watched, he's the very first exorcist in the country! Awesome right?

Aside from having a master's degree in Psychology, he is also one of the founding fathers of a priestly organization called Philippine Association of Catholic Exorcists (PACE).

Of course he also has several books published and I've already read three of them! The best thing about it is they're all in English so many people can definitely read everything. If you're more of a reader than a video watcher then owning his books is a must!

The first interview of him that I watched was one where he talked about exorcising one of our past presidents! Whoa!!! Now that's fascinating to know, right?

More details about him and his books in my previous posts:

The complete set of Exorcist books by Fr. Jocis Syquia

✝️ More on Both of Them in This Post Section:

These two are the major catalyst to the most profound change in my life. Without them I wouldn't have known what to do with my life issues. You can clearly see the change in me since last year based on the posts I've been writing. And yes there are other Catholic priests that I learned a lot from too. I am so happy many of them have talks, seminars and interviews uploaded on YouTube and some in Facebook! Even the writings and lives of saints are all great resources to learn what we should do in our lives. I love it!

Because of what I found out from all of them I am now so much better and really proud to be Catholic. Finally my descent to evil has stopped and have changed into a determined journey to God in Heaven via sanctification. (Romans 12:1; 1 Thess. 4:3; 2 Cor. 7:1) Glory to God in the highest! (Related: The "Secret" Way to Change Our Bad Behaviors)

Diabolical obsession, oppression and possession are nasty things to experience! So if you don't know why your life is full of sh*t then watch their videos and read their books to learn how to fight and truly protect yourself and family from evil. Otherwise just read all my previous posts because I have shared many things I've discovered since Lent last year.

Let's not forget to always say prayers for the protection of all clergymen. (e.g. Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory Be) They are really the best people who can help us all to avoid going to hell.

Anyway how about you, do you have someone like these people in your life who helped you the most? What do you think of everything you read here? Feel free to share in the comments!


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Written by @artgirl for Hive
© Art x Stephanie Rue / Lucy Stephanie

@artgirl is a freelance writer/blogger/artist, online seller and real estate agent.

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