Another 1923 Peace Dollar BU added to stack!

Whenever I get the opportunity to add to my stack of Peace Dollars, I do! But I no longer buy old US Dollars from other dealers, except Apmex and JMBullion, after a disappointing purchase at SDBullion.

A little background...
Following Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon's approval of the Peace Dollar design in December 1921, the Morgan Dollar was replaced, symbolizing the end of hostilities between the United States and Germany. The Peace Dollar, created by famed Italian American sculptor Anthony de Francisci (1887–1964), celebrated triumph and peace while honoring the nation's sacrifices during World War I and signifying the nation's emergence as a major global force.

1923 Peace Dollar BU

Since the Peace Dollar was the last Silver Dollar to be coined and had one of the shortest minting durations of any US money, collectors find them to be extremely valuable. Due to legislative changes, this well-liked design was produced from 1921 to 1928 and then again in 1934 and 1935.


Liberty faces left. Her hair is tied in a bun but with several strands flowing freely to the right at the back of her neck. A tiara with long rays is placed above her forehead, the rays intersecting the widely spaced letters BE of LIBERTY that arcs across the top inside a smooth rim. The designer’s initials AF, displayed as overlapping letters, are at the base of the neck. IN GOD WE TRVST (a classical U that looks like a V) stretches horizontally across the coin, broken into two parts (IN GOD WE and TRVST) by Liberty’s neck. Centered dots separate the words and lie on the outer side of the phrase; none are located between WE and TRVST, the location of Liberty’s neck. The date is at the bottom, with the front point of the neck truncation slightly overlapping the 9.1


The reverse displays an eagle perched on a rock, with an olive branch extended out to the right. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and E PLURIBUS UNUM below form two concentric arcs at the top of the coin inside a smooth rim, the eagle’s head overlapping S and U of the phrase. Where visible, the words are separated by centered, somewhat triangular dots. ONE DOLLAR in a horizontal line intersects the eagle at the lower part of the coin, ONE to the left and DOLLAR to the right. Behind that text and the eagle, thin rays emanate upward and slightly to the left from the edge of the rock base, as if rays of the sun. The word PEACE appears at the base of the rock at the bottom of the design.1



In 2021, in honor of the 100th anniversary of this iconic silver dollar, the United States Mint minted the 2021 Peace Dollar. This rendition was created through the use of modern technology and historical U.S. Mint assets. It has a beautiful uncirculated finish.
You can see it HERE.

It is not surprising that in 2023, the US Mint decided on minting three versions: Business Strike, Proof, and Reverse Proof.

You can view those HERE, and HERE.

I just love the Peace Dollars!



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