Silver Wishlist Day 6: The Mystery Coin

Todays, coin is one which is doused with a lot of speculations and mystery.
The date of minting is unsure, reason why it was made unsure, price is horrendously large, it's clearly a coin that I must have.

The 1804 Us Draped Bust Dollar

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This coin is known as the most mysterious silver coin in American history due to two main factors.

  • Outside the Time loop

This is said because this coin is stated to be minted in the year 1804 yet after investigations, it was shown that there was none of this coins minted in that year.
Instead the coins were minted years later from the span of 1845-1850.
This brought on different speculations and theories about the origin and purpose of the coin.

Personally, I think it was just a typographical error or something 😂

The second reason why it's a mysterious coin is the availability of two main classes of the coin.

  • Class I
    This are believed to be the original silver dollar as they were believed to be struck in the year 1834 and used for diplomatic gifts and presentation sets.
    They have specific dire characteristics and wear patterns.
  • Class II & III
    These coins are believes to be legal counterfeits of the original coins.
    They are later productions with Class II having counter stamped edgemarkings and Class III having edge lettering applied after striking. These later classes are still recognized as valid coins, believed to be minted due to later government requests.

Regardless of the mystery behind the coin, there are some specifications about it that are still known.


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As one can see from above, this has to be one of the rarest coin around and at such like I said, it has a price range that can put someone in a nightmare.
The Class I coin portrayed in this post is going for $4,140,000 dollars on Stackbowers Auctions.
Of course the price value depends on the seller and how well said coin has been preserved.
Regardless of the case, this would surely be the king of almost anybody's collection.

The Silver whishlist is an initiative started by @silverd510 , where one writes about 12 coins (1 daily) that he/she may want on Christmas.


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