Silver Wishlist Day 4: I want the World 🌎

In the comment session for my last silver wishlist post, a certain hiver @bulliontools mentioned to me about a square gold word map coin.
I thought about that.
Since Santa can't give me the world.

Cause if he did, where would the rest of y'all stay?

The least he can do was give me a map of the world. It would be even better if it was silver✨

5$ Proof Terrestrial Dome Coin depicting the 1812 World Map.

Now this is a really unique coin. The terrestrial dome series pride themselves in their intricate cartography and mapwork, such that they make the maps look even a little bit real by making the coin bloated.
At such, this coin isn't flat.


Front View


Back View


Side view showing the bloated map side

This was a fun coin to read about.
Made in 2019 by the Australian Mint, it's used to commemorate the Journey of Captain James Cook.
An England explorer who the Australians became really friendly with and they held in high regard.

Talk about a friendly colonist😂

He was a cartographer too and he's maps helped pave way for future European colonization and settlements. His maps and interactions with ingenious Australians also helped them shape future policies.
(It's good to know that his maps didn't only bring positive outcomes but since this post isn't about him, you'll have to search for the other stuffs by yourself)

Coin Specifications


Screenshotted from Bard

As you can see it's a coin with a rich and diverse history.
There are only 5000 of this coins in the world, thus making it a lovely collectible.
What may affect the price is the pristine finish, if there's a certificate showing it's original of if you're seller is simply a bitch😂.
Regardless of all those conditions, the coins market value in good condition is from $150 - $200 dollars.

The silver wishlist initiative was brought on by @silverd510 which is to simply write 12 consecutive posts on different coins one would want for Christmas.

  • Images of coin gotten from here

Silver Wishlist Day Link

My Instagram page.

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