#HiveChat #61 - Recap of the November 16tth #HiveChat on Twitter, hosted by me (@TraciYorkWriter on Twitter)

Recap of the November 16tth #HiveChat blog thumbnail.jpg


While I've done a number of Hive Chats this year, both on my personal Twitter account as well as a few others (looking at you @hiveblogshare and @hiveblopomo...lol) I've gotten a bit lazy lax in posting about them. Which is something I realized when talking to @victoriabsb about tonight's upcoming #HPUD / #HivePUD @hivechat, and I wanted to check a couple of my Power Up Day questions from almost exactly a year ago on December 1st, 2020.. But when I went looking...

(yes, I actually just created that gif simply for this post... no, I didn't have the time to spare... 😂)

Speaking of time to spare, I know that for this last day of the #HiveBloPoMo challenge, I suggested doing a review of how the month went for you. As things are a bit crazy at the moment for me, not only offline, but with Power Up Day approaching, I figured I'd wait and do a wrap up post next week. But for the moment, I wanted to say a big, "THANK YOU" to everyone who joined in, whether it was for one day or all thirty. It's much more fun when there are other folks jumping in !

And before I get to the tweets, a little more info for those unfamiliar with Twitter Chats/Hive Chats (taken from my last recap post back in April 2021) -

What is a #TwitterChat?

Here's a great basic definition from SproutSocial -

Twitter chats are scheduled, recurring conversations usually hosted by the same accounts. They can be monthly or weekly but a key component is that they always happen at the same time. Each chat is designated by its own hashtag and often features a single broad topic. Then, when the chat day comes around, a specific sub-topic is chosen.

What is HiveChat

The #HiveChat hashtag is the brainchild of @jeanlucsr, who put the first one together with @stellabelle on Twitter on July 7th, 2020. The chats have been running weekly (with the hour adjusted to the availability of the host, given that our community is all over the world) on Tuesdays ever since.


And now for the recap. But since I'm running a bit short on time before the next Hive Chat starts, I'm just going to do the tweets and links for now. I'll screencap some of my favorite answers and edit them in some time in the next day or so.

November 16tth #HiveChat on Twitter

Welcome and Ice Breaker question

Welcome to #HiveChat, a weekly #Tweetchat about all things #Hive!

♦️Use #HiveChat in all your tweets
♦️There are 5 questions
♦️Every 10 minutes = a new question
♦️Chat lasts one hour

Have fun, chat a ton!

Big shout out to @jeanlucsr for creating @hivechat in July 2020!

Let's start with a #HiveChat icebreaker - unfortunately for me, offline life got in the way of #HiveFest this past weekend & I wasn't able to attend. If you did, please share an awesome memory so I can enjoy @hivefest vicariously through your stories!

#TweetChat #HiveTwitter

Question 1

Q1 - We're now over the halfway point of #HiveBloPoMo / #NaPodPoMo (#Hive versions of National #Blog / #Podcast Posting Month) for November. Are you (or have you ever tried) posting daily for a month? Why or why not?


Question 2

Q2 - Recently, the #SoMeeOfficial app built a bridge to @hiveblocks & we've seen an uptick in new users who don't seem to be familiar with how #Hive works. What sort of things do you think could help these new community members?


Question 3

Q3 - Also recently, downvotes on @hiveblocks are back in the spotlight. How do you view them - as necessary on #Hive for spam/plagiarists, needed for post payout disagreements, a tool for reward pool abuse, all or none of the above?

#HiveChat #HiveTwitter

Question 4

Q4 - As a sort of a followup up to Q2, how do you usually connect with new people on @hiveio? Through #Hive games (like #splinterlands), #dapps (like #speakonline, #ecency_official, or #PeakDcom), or do you follow certain hashtags or projects (like #HiveLoveSniper)?


Question 5

Q5 - I'm revamping how I #RT #Hive content on the @HiveBlogShare feed (#blog post out about it soon). With things like Acidyo's's #Posh creating ways to earn coins like $POSH, I want to support more "quality" versus "quantity." What do you think makes a good tweet?


Wrap up and thanks

Thank you #Hive peeps for another an awesomesauce #HiveChat! If you want to host there's a simple form created by @JeanlucSR to register - http://bit.ly/hivechathost

Hope to see people / #Dapps like #3speakonline, #FinanceLeo, & #splinterlands take a turn at the mic some day soon.

And that's a wrap for the wrap up!

I figure this might also help show people who haven't done a Hive Chat before how simple it actually is. Feel free to shout out if you have any questions about Hive Chat, or if you're interested in taking a turn in the host seat (here's a link to the host sign up form again, or you can contact me directly). And hope to see you all on Twitter in less than an hour for @VictoriaBSB's chat (edited to add - check out her announcement post for more details)!


Thanks for stopping by!

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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
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Blog graphics created on Canva

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and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...


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