Recap of the April 20th #HiveChat on Twitter, hosted by OCD's Love Sniper

Lately I've only been sharing my Hive-centric posts solely on the blockchain (for the most part, anyway). However, since I still have a week to go for NaBloPoMo/HiveBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month & the Hive equivalent), the idea of doing this @hivechat recap as a separate post in addition to a different post for today hurt my brain even more than usual. I also figured that since a number of my non-Hive twitter followers have liked and/or RTed some of our chatterings, and there has been some mutterings about, "so what exactly is this crypto blogging thing anyway?" that putting it on both my WordPress & HIve blogs made sense. So without further ado - on April 20th, the new #Hive newbie curation initiative from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) called Love Sniper hosted #HiveChat on Twitter, and here's my recap of all the Twittering fun!

First, a few quick questions and answers for those unfamiliar with Twitter and/or our decentralized blockchain blogging community.

What is the #Hive blockchain?

I've used this rather tongue-in-cheek explanation before, and I still think it works for the general vibe of my favorite blockchain blogging platform.

Imagine that Facebook, WordPress, Reddit, Snapchat, World of Warcraft, and the Stock Market got together one night, had a little too much to drink and did things they regretted in the morning. Then, nine months later, a baby appeared. That kid would be the Hive Blockchain.

The less cheeky description, from the official website -

Developed for Web 3.0

Hive is an innovative and forward-looking decentralized blockchain and ecosystem, designed to scale with widespread adoption of the currency and platforms in mind. By combining the lightning-fast processing times and fee-less transactions, Hive is positioned to become one of the leading Web 3.0 blockchains used by people around the world.

What is a #TwitterChat?

Here's a great basic definition from SproutSocial -

Twitter chats are scheduled, recurring conversations usually hosted by the same accounts. They can be monthly or weekly but a key component is that they always happen at the same time. Each chat is designated by its own hashtag and often features a single broad topic. Then, when the chat day comes around, a specific sub-topic is chosen.

What is HiveChat

The #HiveChat hashtag is the brainchild of @jeanlucsr, who put the first one together with @stellabelle on Twitter almost a year ago on July 7th, 2020. The chats have been running weekly (with the hour adjusted to the availability of the host, given that our community is all over the world) on Tuesdays ever since.

What is the Love Sniper curation initiative?

This is the blurb from the top of every curation compilation post, written by Hive curator extraordinaire (and a man who apparently never sleeps) @ybanezkim26 -

This is Love Sniper, OCD's newest bot created by @rishi556 that scours the Hive blockchain for first posts published by newbies. If the first post is not an intro post, @lovesniper will drop a comment indicating that the newbie is encouraged to publish an introduction post. Love sniper will then follow the newbie to monitor if that newbie has posted his/her introduction post.

If the post is an intro post, a comment is still dropped on the post congratulating the newbie. The post is then evaluated by OCD curators for upvote consideration. Not all intro posts are recommended for OCD upvote. Only those intro posts that are decent enough based on curators' discretion are to be recommended for an upvote.

Now for the Tweet questions & a sampling of the Love Sniper answers

I've been trying to figure out the best way to preserving our weekly Twitter Q&As on the blockchain ever since I hosted Hive Chat #3, but still haven't come up with a definitive plan. The last time I just did the links to the tweets, so they showed up as embedded in the post, but adding response links as well seemed like it would be a bit much (especially having to load all the external previews). So this time around I thought I'd try screencapping a small sampling of some of the answers - if you'd like to see the actual conversations attached to each, just click on each tweet linked below.

Oh, and yes I noticed as I was screencapping that I'd missed liking & retweeting some of these awesome answers - oopsie! I've caught up on a few more, and I'm hoping to catch the rest later today or tomorrow. However, having so many excellent replies that it's hard to keep up is certainly not something I'm complaining about! 😊

Welcome and Ice Breaker question

Hello #HiveTwitter! Let's start this #HiveChat off with an ice breaker & turn things around a bit to ask a question about a question... 😂

Is there anything you'd like to ask about #OCD's @HiveLoveSniper curation project?

#TwitterChat #TweetStorm #CryptoTwitter #TweetChat

Love Sniper HiveChat ice breaker

Question 1

Q1. @HiveLoveSniper is #ocd's initiative to give love (in the form of comments, information, and upvotes) to new users to help with retention. Thinking back to when you first joined the #Hive #blockchain, what was one thing that made you stick around?


Love Sniper HiveChat Q1

Question 2

Q2. How do you usually connect with new people on @hiveblocks - through #Hive games (like @splinterlands) #dapps (like @3speakonline @ecency_official, or @PeakDcom) or do you follow certain hashtags?


Love Sniper HiveChat Q2

Question 3

Q3. One of the things @HiveLoveSniper does is to encourage new arrivals to write an introduction post. What things do you think should be included to make a #Hive #introduceyourself #blog post stand out?


Love Sniper HiveChat Q3

Question 4

Q4. There are so many different #Hive #communities to choose from that one of our @HiveLoveSniper tasks is to recommend specific ones to people posting for the first time. What communities would you suggest for new @hiveblocks arrivals?


Love Sniper HiveChat Q4

Question 5

Q5. With the $Hive price on the rise, so are the number of people joining our #blockchain community. Who do you know who might be interested in helping to curate new #Hive #community members with our @HiveLoveSniper team?


Love Sniper HiveChat Q5

Thank you wrapup tweet

Thank you to everyone in the #HiveTwitter #community for joining this #HiveChat! It was great fun & I look forward to hosting another @HiveChat in the future. See you on the #Hive #blockchain!



That about wraps up the Love Sniper recap!

Thanks to everyone who participated, through answering questions or helping to spread the word. Feel free to shout out if you have any questions either about Hive, Hive Chat, or the Love Sniper initiative. And happy Friday all!

Thanks for stopping by!

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Speaking of witch which...


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