Vonak: The Rise of Rebellion Legendary Rewards pt.3


Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

For this week, finally comes the conclusion for my analysis for the Rebellion Legendary soulbound rewards which is going to talk about the legendary rewards from Life, Neutral and Dragon Element. It was supposed to be concluded last week but I decided to postpone it given that there were lots of cool stuff that takes place last week like the addition of Halloween themes during last week's maintenance and the stuff that was discussed on the Townhall and I just feel like I want to talk about them. Anyways, lets proceed with this weeks topic and at the end, I will show the current progress of my Rebellion Soulbounds reward.


Legendary Life, Neutral & Dragon Soulbound Rewards

Mana Cost1
Element5-Life.png Life
Card Type00-melee.png Melee
AbilitiesLvl 1- charge.png Charge
Max Power (RF)5,775
Max Power (GF)52,500
Revealed By- @butops

The first card that we have was Frigid Wolf which is another card that was revealed by @butops also known as the real life Hill Giant. Frigid Wolf was a 1-mana melee card which at max level has a damage of 2 as well as a speed and health of 3. It also has the Charge ability starting at level 1 which allows it to attack the front unit regardless of its position. As it was a 1- mana card, it can be used on Little League ruleset and since it has melee attack, having it on low mana battles with Up Close and Personal and Melee Mayhem ruleset can make for an efficient lineup. Not only that, it can always act as a damage sponge or when you only have 1 mana left but still have an empty slots in your lineup, particularly on Odd Ones Out ruleset.

Little League
Only monsters & summoners that cost 4 mana or less may be used in battles.
Up Close & Personal
Only Monsters with 00-melee.png Melee attack may be used in battles.
Odd Ones Out
Only Monsters with odd Mana costs may be used in battles.

When it comes to summoners, it can benefit the most when used together with Akane by giving it the Ambush ability, allowing it to attack even before the start of round 1. We might as well use it together with Lux Vega to have its speed, armor and health be increased by +1 to make it faster and last longer in battle.

Mana Cost4
Element5-Life.png Life
Card Type00-ranged.png Range
AbilitiesLvl 1- taunt.png Taunt
Lvl 2- shield.png Shield
Lvl 3- strengthen.png Stregnthen
Lvl 4- headwinds.png Headwinds
Max Power (RF)5,775
Max Power (GF)52,500
Revealed By- @queenstarr

The next card, Gallicus, was a 4- mana range unit that was first shown to us by @queenstarr and this card has the max damage of 2, a speed of 1 and a health of 6. When it comes to its abilities, It has Taunt at level 1 which allows it to force monsters to attack this card while at level 2, it gains Shield that reduces the damage it receives from melee and range attacks. As it reach level 3, it gains Strengthen which increases the health of all ally units as long as this card remains on play and Headwind at maxed level which reduces the range damage of all opponent units by -1. By being a 4 -mana card makes it good for Evens Stevens ruleset as well as during Little League ruleset. It can also serves as a good Taunt card for low mana battles during Keep Your Distance, Going the Distance and Close Range ruleset where it can reduce the range of the opponent. Not being a fast card could also make Gallicus a great option during Reverse Speed ruleset.

Odd Ones Out
Only Monsters with odd Mana costs may be used in battles.
Little League
Only monsters & summoners that cost 4 mana or less may be used in battles.
Keep Your Distance
Monsters with 00-melee.png Melee attack may not be used in battles.
Going the Distance
Only monsters with 00-ranged.png Range attack may be used in battle.
Close Range
00-ranged.png Range attacks may be used in the first position in battles.

Reverse Speed
Monsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.

Being it a range unit, using Gallicus with General Sloan would boost its range attack by +1 or use it together with Quix the Devious to stack up the minus range by -2 or just go with Ilthain with Return Fire and an additional speed to all ally units.


Mana Cost8
Element07-neutral.png Neutral
Card Type00-ranged.png Range
AbilitiesLvl 1- piercing.png Piercing
Lvl 2- Rebirth.png Rebirth
Lvl 3- divine shield.png Divine Shield
Lvl 4- redemption.png Redemption
Max Power (RF)5,775
Max Power (GF)52,500
Revealed By@dejota

Moving on, we have the 8- mana Neutral card Chaos battle Mage which is shown to us by @dejota. This card was a range unit which at max level has a maximum of 3 range damage, 4 speed, 1 armor and 8 health. At the same time, it also has Piercing at level 1 which allows it to inflict the excess damage from its attack to the targets health and at level 2, it gains Rebirth that allows it to self- resurrect and was the 2nd card to have this ability next to Runi. When it reaches level 3, it gains Divine Shield which makes it cancel the damage of the first attack that it receive and finally, at level 4, it gains Redemption that make it inflicts 1 damage on all opponent units when this card was defeated.

Looking on its stats and abilities, Chaos Battle Mage will make for a good card to use under Keep Your Distance where no melee units can be used as well as on Going the Distance that only uses range units. It also could work quite well on Keep Your Distance where range units can attack at the first position and on Noxious Fumes as it has the capability to self- resurrect, removing its Poison status. As this is an 8- mana card, it might as well be a good card to use on Evens Stevens and being a neutral card make it works in Shades of Gray.

Keep Your Distance
Monsters with 00-melee.png Melee attack may not be used in battles.
Going the Distance
Only monsters with 00-ranged.png Range attack may be used in battle.
Close Range
00-ranged.png Range attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
Noxious Fumes
All Monsters start the battle Poisoned.
Odd Ones Out
Only Monsters with odd Mana costs may be used in battles.
evens stevens.png
Evens Stevens
Only Monsters with even Mana costs may be used in battles.
Shades of Grey.png
Shades Of Grey
Only neutral units may be used in battle.

As for the summoner, Chaos Battle Mage can be used in a wide variety of combinations as it was a neutral unit but damage- wise, using it along with General Sloan will give it +1 range damage as well as Risqruel Drath along with the Flying ability and during tactics phase, it can also give the True Strike and Impede ability to Chaos Battle Mage allowing it to make sure that its attacks will always hit and will reduce the speed of the target. It may also finds its use along with Prophet Rosa by giving it +2 range damage during the tactics phase and Fernheart would be able to use it by giving it additional health and the Close Range ability.

For some battle, here is one where I was able to use Chaos Battle Mage on Evens Stevens ruleset.



Mana Cost9
Element6-Dragon.png Dragon
Card Type00-ranged.png Range
AbilitiesLvl 1- taunt.png Taunt
Lvl 2- dodge.png Dodge
Lvl 3- return fire.png Return Fire
Lvl 4- stun.png Stun
Max Power (RF)5,775
Max Power (GF)52,500
Revealed By@bobaphet

For the last card, we have Syrenth that was first shown to us by @bobaphet which does not only provide Splinterlands content on Youtube creator but was also very active on Hive on his Splinterlands 101 show along with Giotrix and Mattclarke which at the writing of this post already has 145 episodes.

When it comes to Syrenth, this is a 9- mana range unit with a max of 4 damage, 2 speed, 10 health and 1 armor which can make for a beefy backline tank given that it has the Taunt ability at level 1 that forces opponent units to attack this card while at level 2, it gains Dodge that gives it 25% chance to evade melee and range attacks. At level 3, it gains Return Fire which makes it to inflict damage on range units that will attack this card and when it reaches max level, it gains Stun that gives 50% chance to make the target skip its attack for a turn. It was a great alternative Taunt unit for Wave Brood or even Mycelic Slipspawn and since it was a dragon splinter, it can be used along with any other element and when it comes to ruleset, it is a great asset on Keep Your Distance, Going the Distance and Close Range where no melee units can be used as well as for Odd Ones Out ruleset since this is a 9- mana card and since it was not that fast of a card, using it on Reverse Speed may as well be something to consider when creating your team.

Keep Your Distance
Monsters with 00-melee.png Melee attack may not be used in battles.
Going the Distance
Only monsters with 00-ranged.png Range attack may be used in battle.
Close Range
00-ranged.png Range attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
Odd Ones Out
Only Monsters with odd Mana costs may be used in battles.

Reverse Speed
Monsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.

For the summoner, Syrent would best work with Lily Shieldpaw by placing it on back and be healed by Triage to have it sustain the damage that it receives from opponent attacks.


My Soulbound Reward Progress



As of the writing of this post, I currently have completed about 32% of my regular foil for commons and 11% for gold foil while my rares are at 16% for regular foil and 3% for gold. On the other hand, my epics are at 13% for regular and 3% for gold while my legendary is at 7%. My progress is not that past as some players were close on completing their set but I decided to take it slow by only relying on chest since I do not earn as much Glint as the others and I also focus more on getting more energy which allows me for more battles to earn more SPS.


Final Thoughts

An now, I'm finally done with my analysis for the rebellion soulbound rewards. Overall, I really like all the new cards and if posible would want them max before their print rate has ended. Once again I would like to express my gratitude to everyone in the community that helps in sharing the information about the cards.

Thank you and see you at the next post.


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All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands and Soulkeep.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards.

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

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