Vonak: The Rise of Rebellion Epic Rewards Pt. 2



Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

With my last post, I have discussed about the first part of my Rebellion Soulbound Rewards, featuring cards with "Debilitations" which instead of giving giving abilities that would benefit the card, it gives negative buffs that could make it disadvantageous using the cards in exchange with stronger stats compared to their mana cost. They are quite risky to use so we have to weigh if the drawbacks from debilitation justifies the extra stats that the cards have when using them. And now, we reach the second and final part of my epic review, now focusing with cards that has Rebellion new abilities.


Epic Soulbound Rewards With Debilitations

Mana Cost6
Element3-Earth.png Earth
Card Type00-melee.png Melee
AbilitiesLvl 1- opportunity.png Opportunity
Lvl 2- Execute.png Execute
Lvl 3- lookout.png Lookout
Lvl 4- trample.png Trample
Max Power (RF)4,830
Max Power (GF)26,250
Revealed By- @kontora

The first card tha we have was Thanalorian Blade which is a 6-mana melee unit under the Earth element with a total of 4 melee attack along with 3 speed, 6 health and 1 armor on max level. At level 1, it has the Opportunity ability which lets it to attack the opponent unit with the least damage followed by Execute at level 2 that gives it the ability to attack once again if the target has 2 or less health after a successful attack. Aside from that, it also has Lookout at level 3 which reduces the damage of the adjacent unit by -1 at level 3 and Trample at level 6 which allows it to attack again once it defeats its target. The Execute ability could make an interesting dynamic with Trample given that if the target dies after it attacks using Execute, Tanalorian Blade can be able to attack once again due to Trample which means that it could make multiple attacks per turn. This would specially be a good card to use during Stampede ruleset as well as a staple on Up Close & Personal ruleset.

Up Close
& Personal
Only Monsters with 00-melee.png Melee attack may be used in battles.
The trample.png Trample ability can trigger multiple times per attack if the trampled Monster is killed.

When it comes to summoners, it can benefit the most when used together with Underboss Fabino as it can give +2 melee damage to Thanalorian Blade or with the use of Risqruel Drath which can give it the True Strike ability during the Tactics phase. We can also use Akane to give it the Ambush ability and give it a head start attack before the battle even starts.


Mana Cost6
Element5-Life.png Life
Card Type00-magic.png Magic, 00-melee.png Melee
AbilitiesLvl 1- opportunity.png Opportunity
Lvl 2- Mimic.png Mimic
Lvl 6- reflection shield.png Reflection Shield
Max Power (RF)4,830
Max Power (GF)26,250
Revealed By@bitcoinflood

The next card, Olivia of the Brook, was a Life element melee and mage unit that max of 1 magic , 2 melee damage, 3 speed, 6 health and 1 armor for only 6-mana cost. Not to mention, it also has Opportunity which allows it to target the opponent with the least health and Reflection Shield that makes it immune to Thorns, Magic Reflect and Blast attacks. But what's more is that at leve 2, it gains Mimic which allows it to copy a random ability at the beginning of round 2 and each of the following round as well as another 25% chance to copy a random ability from an attacker when hit. This means that the longer the battle is, the more ability that this card could get.

Up Close & Personal
Only Monsters with 00-melee.png Melee attack may be used in battles.
Briar Patch
All monsters have the thorns.png Thorns ability.
Wands Out
Only monsters with 00-magic.png Magic attack may be used in battles.
All monsters have the magic reflect.png Magic Reflect ability.

When it comes to summoner, it will work well together with Elias Max Pruitt which could give it +1 armor that it can now use to attack if it was given the Armored Shield ability along with Piercing that will inflict the excess damage to the opponent's health. Just like Thanalorian Blade, Having a headstart in attacking could also work well if Olivia of the Brook was also given the Ambush ability.

Even at level 2, Olivia of the Brook is already capable on competing at the highest league just like on this Battle as long as she has given time to accumulate abilities and if you can place it together with Iziar, she might as well gained additional stats when Martyr is triggered.



Mana Cost5
Element4-Death.png Death
Card Type00-magic.png Magic
AbilitiesLvl 1- corrupted healing.png
Lvl 3- scavenger.png Scavenger
Lvl 6- poison.png Poison
Max Power (RF)4,830
Max Power (GF)26,250
Revealed By@bulldog1205

Moving on, we have Arachne Weaver which is a Death element mage unit with 5 mana cost and on its max level it has a total damage of 2, speed of 2 and health of 7 alongside the Scavenger ability at level 3 which allows it to increase its health for each monsters that was defeated and Poison at level 6 which reduces the health of the target per turn. But what makes this card special is for it having the Corrupted Healing ability which allows it to heal all ally units up to 70% of their health though the healed units will got their max health reduced by 1 each time they were healed. When it comes to ruleset, it may be well used on Noxious Fumes and Earthquake ruleset where multiple units can receive a damage per turn.

Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.
Noxious Fumes
All Monsters start the battle Poisoned.

As for the summoner, using it together with Lorkus will benefit it the most by it gaining additional magic attack which can be very huge boost for a support unit and there are very few monsters that can evade its magic attack.


Mana Cost11
Element6-Dragon.png Dragon
Card Type00-magic.png Magic
AbilitiesLvl 1- flying.png Flying
Lvl 1- Wingbreak.png Wingbreak
Lvl 3- reflection shield.png Reflection Shield
Lvl 6- last stand.png Last Stand
Max Power (RF)4,830
Max Power (GF)26,250
Revealed By@aratbl

For the last card, we have Knight Reaper which is an 11- mana mage unit for the Dragon element with the maximum of 4 magic attack, 4 speed, 10 health and 2 armor. It has Flying at level 1 which gives it 25% chance to evade melee and damage damage along with Reflectin Shield at level 3 which makes it immune from reflected and blast damage and Last Stand at level 6 which increases all of its stats when it was the only monster that remains. It also has the new ability, Wingbreak which will make it target the first Flying unit regardless of their position. What's more is that if it hits a Flying unit, it will inflict 2 additional damage. This makes Knight Reaper an anti- Flying, Flying unit that will work well on Earthquake ruleset and since it has Reflection Shield, it may as well be useable on Wands Out and Counterspell ruleset.

Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.
Wands Out
Only monsters with 00-magic.png Magic attack may be used in battles.
All monsters have the magic reflect.png Magic Reflect ability.

When it comes to summoner, the best use partner for Knight Reaper would be the upcoming Dragon summoner Nidhoggr that could give it the Blast and Deathblow ability or give it the Execute ability along with +2 speed. It also does not hurt to use it with Akane to give it some Ambush and immediately defeat any Flying unit faster.

On this Battle, you will not only see how effective Knight Reaper is on on Blast ruleset, it also shows how effective the Corrupted Healing of Arachne Weaver is by restoring all the damage that Arkemis the Bear receive though it is also shown how his max health is down to 10 from its original health of 13.



Final Thoughts

This marks the end for my Epic Rebellion Rewards review and all this cards were really strong with the new abilities given to them specially when they are fully maxed. My always favorite among this cards will be Olivia of the Brook and my second is between Arachne Weaver and Knight Reaper but we should wait until the next summoner comes cause it could offer new strategies that we do not expect.

Once again I would like to express my gratitude to everyone in the community that helps in sharing the information about the cards.

Thank you and see you at the next post.


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All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands and Soulkeep.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards.

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

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