Destroying the Divine Shield With Retaliate and Blast Ability In The Holy Protection Ruleset

Hello Splinterlovers, how is your weekend? I hope you have a great weekend and still enjoying playing Splinterlands. Today I will make a post again about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is Holy Protection ruleset.

I was battled in the Silver Tournament Wild Format by Splinterlands using my Balthazar scholar and Modern format card.

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Battle Link

If you want to watch the Battle Link
Video link:

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  • Melee mayhem.png Melee Mayhem, A melee monster can attack from any position, it will attack the monster in the first position.

  • Holy Protection, all monsters have Divine Shield ability.

    • Divine Shield ability, the first attack on the monster will not give damage.
  • Up Close & Personal, only melee monster can be used in this battle.

  • mana cap.

  • can use Fire, Water, and Death element.

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My Lineup and strategy

Some of my thinking :

  • Up Close and Personal and Melee Mayhem ruleset we just need to focus on attacking and defending with melee attack. Good tanker is crucial in this battle because all enemy monsters will attack our unit in the first position
  • Holy Protection ruleset, in this battle we will try to disable the Divine Shield with Retaliate and Blast ability. So we can kill the enemy faster.

We decided to use Fire because the Summoner can give speed and Piercing ability. This is my lineup :

Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
Jacek the Conqureror, summoner. Has ability Scattershot, and Piercing ability, and can give +2 speed to all friendly monsters.This is a summoner from the Fire element. I used this summoner because of its increased speed and Piercing ability (if Melee attack damage is more than the target's armor, the remainder will damage the target's health.). We don't use Scattershotability in this battle.
Forgotten One, 1st position, attacker and tanker. Has the ability to Immunity, and Retaliate.This monster has high damage of 4 and very good attack ability which is Retaliate. Retaliate can counterattack the enemy melee attack the chance for that to happen is 50% it will help to disable the Divine Shield from the enemy monster behind. Immunity ability will make this monster immune to all negative statuses, like poison, Halving, etc. This monster's weakness is a slow speed, but with our Summoner Jacek which increases speed by +2 hoping that this monster can hit the enemy without miss.
Radiated Brute, 2nd position, attacker, has the ability Reach.Can attack from the 2nd position because has Reachability. Actually, in this battle, it can be placed anywhere and still attack monsters in the first position because of the Melee Mayhem ruleset. I place in the 2nd position to protect other important monster behind.
Exploding Rats, 3rd position, attacker. Has the ability Blast.Put in the 3rd position because easy to die only have 1 HP. It has high speed and good attack with the Blast effect (give damage to the monster adjacent to the monster who this monster attacks), it will disable the Divine Shield status from several monsters.
Ferox Defender, 4th position, attacker and support. Has the ability Protect.I use this monster because can give extra armor +2 to all our monsters. Armor is useful in the melee vs melee battle because the melee monster needs to destroy the armor first before it can damage the HP. (except if it has Piercing ability). Have good stat suitable to become tanker too.
Disintegrator,5th position, attacker. Has the ability Demoralize, and Trample.We use this monster to reduce damage from melee enemy monsters with the ability Demoralize by -1. Have Trample ability, if this monster kills the enemy will immediately attack the enemy behind. I have a dilemma about putting it in 4th or 5th position because this monster I think is very useful in this battle, so I want this monster to live as long as possible. Finally, I put it in the 5th position guessing that the enemy will only focus on attacking our monster in the first position due to the Holy Protection ruleset.
Dumacke Orc, 6th position, attacker and tanker. Has the ability Shield and Retaliate.I put this monster behind to protect our monster in front from the Sneak attack (an ability that will target the unit in the last position) it's a strong defender against melee attacks because has Shield ability which decreases melee damage by 50 percent. Has Retaliate ability like Forgotten, this unit's weakness is only has 1 HP.

Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :

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Did your Strategy Work?

Yes, the strategy is working, it's a combination and synergy of many abilities like The Protect and Demoralize abilities from Ferox Defender and Disintegrator which is crucial in this battle. Below is an example of how the Blast ability destroys the Divine Shield in the 2nd monster, and when the Forgotten One Retaliates the Coeurl Lurker attack can give damage. Without the help of the Blast ability Coeurl Lurker will be immune to the attack :

This is another example of how the Forgotten One Retaliate destroys many Divine Shields in several monsters:

The Strategy of using a summoner who can give a speed buff is working The picture below shows how strong is monster with high speed in this battle :

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Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code to join.

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