Pembrook Nymph STRONGEST Summoner Combine With Isgald ?

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Halo Para Petarung Permainan Splinterlands semoga dalam keadaan sehat dan dapat selalu bermain permainan ini.

Hello Splinterlands Game Fighters, hope you are in good health and can always play this game.

Inilah Postingan saya dalam rangka melanjutkan apa yang telah saya tulis sebelumnya yakni strategy simple untuk menang

This is my post in order to continue what I have written before, which is a simple strategy to win

kali ini saya akam membahas sedikit tips cara mudah memenangkan pertandingan bagian keempat di liga Perunggu atau pun Perak dengan mana cap kecil maupun besar.

this time I will discuss a few tips on how to easily win the fourth part of the match in the bronze or Silver league with a small cap nor big cap.

Yang dimana saya akan menggunakan semboyan 'DEFENSE IS A GREAT OFFENSE' kita tetep menggunakan kartu kunci yg pastinya sangat kuat dalam bertahan yakni sesuai dengan gambar pertama tadi hahahah, kartu andalan Cornealus

Which is where I will use the motto 'DEFENSE IS A GREAT OFFENSE' we still use a key card which is definitely very strong in defense, which is in accordance with the first picture hahahah, my signature card Cornealus

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  • Leagues = Silver
  • Match Format = Modern
  • Broken Arrow & Aimless
  • Cards = Nature and Dragon Cards cant be use on Match
  • manacaps = 12


Berikut adalah line up saya tapi sebelumnya kita liat ruleset dulu

Here is my line up but first let's see the ruleset

Setelah melihat ruleset ternyata begitu akhirnya ini lah kartu yg ada di pikiran saya, sesuai kartu tersedia yg saya dapatkan dari membeli ataupun menyewa.

After looking at the ruleset, it turns out that finally this is the card that comes to my mind, according to the available card that I got from buying or renting

Pembrook Nymph1 all Monster my line up got Heal +1, Allow the use of one additional Gladiator card in battle
Hardy Stonefish1Not Have Ability on this levelto be a victim
Isgald Vorst1 i pick this because ability bloodlust and opportunity in small mana will be very powerful attacking enemy monsters with low blood


Thaddius Brood2 Health -1 , magic -1, to the enemy line up monster
Corpse Fiend1Not Have Ability on this levelto be a victim
Silent Sha-vi3Targets the last Monster on the enemy Team instead of the first Monster
Uraeus3Targets the last Monster on the enemy Team instead of the first Monster

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Memasuki Round Peertama Monster mendapatkan Buff dan De-Buff dari summoner masing masing, Silent Sha-vi musuh medapat giliran pertama karena mempunyai kecepata tertinggi yang kemudia menyerang isgald vorst yang mengakibatkan sildnya berkurang , kemudian isgald vorst giliran menyerang kedua yang membunug corpse fiend menyebabkan ability bloodlust aktif peningkatan all status. giliran ketiga ureaus menyerang isgald vorst hanya berdampak pada shieldnya. giliran terakhir hardy stonefisht menyerang Silent Sha-vi menyebabkan darahnya berkurang -1.

Entering the first round Monsters get Buff and De-Buff from each summoner, Silent Sha-vi enemy gets the first turn because it has the highest speed which then attacks isgald vorst which causes its sild to decrease, then isgald vorst has the second turn to attack which kills the corpse fiend causing the ability bloodlust active upgrade all status. In the third turn, Ureaus attacks Isgald Vorst, only affecting his shield. the hardy stonefisht's last turn attacking Silent Sha-vi causes his health to decrease by -1.

Round 2 Silent Sha-vi menyerang Hardy Stonefish menyebabkan shild hilang, giliran kedua isgald vorst menyerang ureaus menyebabkan shieldnya lenyap, giliran ketiga uraeus menyerang isgald vorst gagal. giliran terakhir hardy stonefish menyerang Silent Sha-vi minus satu darah.

Round 2 Silent Sha-vi attacks Hardy Stonefish causing shild to disappear, isgald vorst's second turn attacks ureaus causing his shield to vanish, third turn uraeus attacking isgald vorst fails. Hardy stonefish's last turn attacks Silent Sha-vi minus one health.

Round 3 Silent Sha-vi melenyapkan hardy stonefish , giliran kedua isgald vord menepati tempat tanker melenyapkan Silent Sha-vi semua status nya meningkat satu . giliran uraeus menepati posisi tanker menyerang isgald vorst tapi meleset.

Round 3 Silent Sha-vi eliminates the hardy stonefish, the second turn isgald vord takes the place of the tanker eliminating Silent Sha-vi all of his status increases by one. it was Uraeus's turn to occupy the tanker's position to attack Isgald Vorst but missed.

Round 4 isgald vorst menyerang ureaus dan mengakiri pertandingan dengan kemenangan mudah.

Round 4 isgald vorst attacked ureaus and ended the match with an easy win.


Jika kalian ingin menyaksikan serunya jalanya pertandingan ini silahkan pencet tulisan dibawah ini atau lihat video YouTube ku

If you want to watch the excitement of this match, please press the text below or watch my Youtube dont forget to support my youtube channel by Subscribe like and drop a comment please



My Opinion About This Strategy

Dalam pertandingan jangan melulu memikirkan serangan adakalanya bertahan juga akan sangat efektif dalam match. kali ini saya memafaatkan efek summoner (add gladius card) yang sangat over power melipat gandakan semua status setelah mengalahkan musuh heheheh

In a match, don't just think about attacks, sometimes defending will also be very effective in a match. this time I take advantage of the summoner effect (add gladius card) which is very over power multiplies all statuses after defeating the enemy heheheh

Anti Strategi ini adalah kamu menggunakan summoner yang sama yakni mempunyai dan menggunakan monster yg sama juga akhirnya akan mendapatkan hasil seri.

This anti strategy is that you use the same summoner, which means having and using the same monster will eventually get a draw.

Monster Reference : Anti-Strategy

No Monster Reference

Splinterlands: Simple Way To Easy Win #1
Splinterlands: Simple Way To Easy Win #2
Splinterlands: Simple Way To Easy Win #3
Splinterlands: Simple Way To Easy Win #4
Splinterlands: Simple Way To Easy Win #5
Splinterlands: Simple Way To Easy Win #6


Thank you for reading my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and could give another view about this monster. Let me know if you got another view about this monster on comment section.
Don't forget to give your upvote for me because your upvote means a lot to me... Hahaha LOLz



All images taken from Splinterlands website @splinterlands
Wonderfull Dividers taken from my friend @kyo-gaming
Thumbnail created using canva
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