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[Splinterlands] Simple Way To Easy Win #4

Guarante 100 Win.png

Halo Para Petarung Permainan Splinterlands semoga dalam keadaan sehat dan dapat selalu bermain permainan ini.

Hello Splinterlands Game Fighters, hope you are in good health and can always play this game.

Inilah Postingan saya dalam rangka menyongsong Media Sosial Challange setiap pekannya oleh @splinterlands ini.

This is my post in order to welcome this social media challenge every week by @splinterlands

kali ini saya akam membahas sedikit tips cara mudah memenangkan pertandingan bagian keempat di liga Perunggu atau pun Novice dengan mana cap kecil maupun besar.

this time I will discuss a few tips on how to easily win the fourth part of the match in the bronze or novice league with a small cap nor big cap.

Yang dimana saya akan menggunakan semboyan 'DEFENSE IS A GREAT OFFENSE' kita tetep menggunakan kartu kunci yg pastinya sangat kuat dalam bertahan yakni sesuai dengan gambar pertama tadi hahahah, kartu andalan Cornealus

Which is where I will use the motto 'DEFENSE IS A GREAT OFFENSE' we still use a key card which is definitely very strong in defense, which is in accordance with the first picture hahahah, my signature card Cornealus

Divers splinterlands.png


Berikut adalah line up saya tapi sebelumnya kita liat ruleset dulu

Here is my line up but first let's see the ruleset

Rule Battle

Mana Cap : 14
Ruleset : Earthquake ( Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round )
Summoner : only death, light and Earth can't be use in this match

Setelah melihat ruleset ternyata begitu akhirnya ini lah kartu yg ada di pikiran saya, sesuai kartu tersedia yg saya dapatkan dari membeli ataupun menyewa.

After looking at the ruleset, it turns out that finally this is the card that comes to my mind, according to the available card that I got from buying or renting


CardMonsterDescription [id/eng]
BRIGHTON BLOOM LV1karena ruleset pertandingan adalah Earthquake saya memilih kartu ini karena memberi efek fly pada line up monsterku jadi terhindar dari +2 damage dan juga + 25% kemungkinan menghindar
BRIGHTON BLOOM LV1because the ruleset of the match is Earthquake I chose this card because it gives a fly effect on my monster line up so it avoids +2 damage and also +25% chance of dodging or evading


CardMonsterDescription [id/eng]
Cornealus LV 1disini saya menaruh cornealus di posisi pertama karena untuk menahan damage musuh karena memiliki kemampuan heal serta dia memiliki darah yang banyak ruleset tak berpengaruh karena kemampuan fly dari summoner
Cornealus LV 1here I put cornealus in the first position because to withstand enemy damage because it has the ability to heal and he has a lot of blood the ruleset has no effect because of the ability to fly from


Jika kalian ingin menyaksikan serunya jalanya pertandingan ini silahkan pencet tulisan dibawah ini atau lihat video YouTube ku

If you want to watch the excitement of this match, please press the text below or watch my Youtube



I WINNNNNNNNNNNN! Again hahahah #4


My Opinion About This Strategy

Dalam pertandingan jangan melulu memikirkan serangan adakala nya bertahan juga akan sangat efektif dalam match. kali ini saya memafaatkan efek summoner (fly) karena ruleset (Earthquake) dan cornealus sebagai senjata utama menahan damage musuh dan juga bisa menyembuhkan dirinya sendiri. strategi ini terinspirasi dari postingan saya sebelumnya yakni Splinterlands: Simple Way To Easy Win #2 bedanya hanya di mana dan summoner yg bisa di gunakan

In matches, don't just think about attacks, sometimes defending will also be very effective in matches. this time I used the summoner effect (fly) because the ruleset (Earthquake) and cornealus as the main weapons withstand enemy damage and can also heal themselves. This strategy is inspired from my previous post, namely [Splinterlands: Simple Way To Easy Win #2] the difference is only where and summoners that can be used.

Anti Strategi ini adalah kamu menggunakan summoner yang sama yakni BRIGHTON BLOOM memakan 4 mana masih sisa 10 mana kemudian kamu bisa mencari monster dengan kemampuan "LIFE LEECH" Kesehatan monster meningkat setiap kali mengurangi Health monster musuh sebanding dengan kerusakan yang diberikan. Di elemen api kalian dapat menggunakan ZALRAN EFREET dengan 5 mana sisa 5 mana kalian dapat menggunakan monster serangan lain pastikan jumlah damage lebih dari +5. Untuk element air kalian dapat menggunakan MERDHAMPIR dengan 4 mana masih sisa 6 mana kalian dapat menggunakan monster serangan lain pastikan jumlah damage lebih dari +5. Untuk element dragon ada BLACK DRAGON memakan 6 mana sisa 4 mana kalian dapat menggunakan monster serangan lain pastikan jumlah damage lebih dari +5.

This anti-strategy is that you use the same summoner, BRIGHTON BLOOM, which takes 4 mana and 10 mana left. Then you can look for a monster with the "LIFE LEECH" ability. The health of the monster increases every time it reduces the Health of the enemy monster in proportion to the damage dealt. In the fire element you can use ZALRAN EFREET with 5 mana remaining 5 where you can use other attack monsters make sure the amount of damage is more than +5. For the water element you can use MERDHAMPIR with 4 where there are still 6 remaining where you can use other attack monsters make sure the amount of damage is more than +5. For element dragons there is BLACK DRAGON consuming 6 where the remaining 4 where you can use other attack monsters make sure the amount of damage is more than +5.

Monster Reference : Anti-Strategy

Splinterlands: Simple Way To Easy Win #1
Splinterlands: Simple Way To Easy Win #2
Splinterlands: Simple Way To Easy Win #3


Thank you for reading my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and could give another view about this monster. Let me know if you got another view about this monster on comment section.
Don't forget to give your upvote for me because your upvote means a lot to me... Hahaha LOLz

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