Sosial Media Challenge : simple way to easy win


Halo Para Petarung Permainan Splinterlands semoga dalam keadaan sehat dan dapat selalu bermain permainan ini.
Inilah Postingan Kedua saya dalam sosial media Challange di forum Splinterlands ini, yang baru saja di share di link akun @splinterlands MEDIA SOSIAL CHALLANGE tanggal 31 Mei 2022 ini.
kali ini saya akam membahas sedikit tips cara mudah memenangkan pertandingan di liga perunggu atau pun novice dengan mana cap kecil.

Hello Splinterlands Game Fighters, hope you are in good health and can always play this game. This is my second post in the social media challenge in this Splinterlands forum, which was just shared on the @splinterlands account link [SOCIAL MEDIA CHALLANGE](@splinterlands/splinterlands-weekly-curation- challenge-may-31-2022) on May 31, 2022. this time I will discuss a few tips on how to easily win a match in the bronze or novice league with a small cap.

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Berikut adalah line up saya

Here is my line up


CardMonsterDescription [id/eng]
MYLOR CROWLING LV1make all my monsters have a throne effect, when attacked by meele -2 heal or armor
MYLOR CROWLING LV1membuat semua monster saya memiliki efek tahta, ketika diserang oleh jarak dekat -2 heal atau armor


CardMonsterDescription [id/eng]
CHAOS AGENT LV 1saya memilih ini untuk memaksimalkan efek throne dan membuang health monster musuh di posisi pertama
CHAOS AGENT LV 1I chose this to maximize the effect of the throne and throw away the health of the enemy monster in the first place


CardMonsterDescription [id/eng]
MYCELIC MORPHOID LV1Sama Seperti Tank 1 saya memilih ini untuk memaksimalkan efek throne dan membuang health monster musuh di posisi pertama
MYCELIC MORPHOID LV1Just like Tank 1 I chose this to maximize the effect of the throne and remove the health of the enemy monster in the first position


CardMonsterDescription [id/eng]
Cornealus LV 1saya memanfaatkan penyembuhannya dan efek throne dari summoner
Cornealus LV 1I take advantage of the healing and the throne effect of the summoner

Rule Battle
Mana Cap : 15
Ruleset : Lost magic (Monster with magic attack can't be use in Match)
Summoner : only light can't be use

Link battle
Click Here

Result Battle


My Opinion About This Strategy

Dalam pertandingan jangan melulu memikirkan serangan adakala nya bertahan juga akan sangat efektif dalam match kali ini saya memafaatkan efek throne mylor dan cornealus sebagai senjata utama. Kalian juga dapat meletakan cornealus di depan sebagai tank kemudian sisa 2 mana dapat di pasang monster XENITH ARCHER GOBLIN DARTLING CRIPPING OOZE di belakang ataupun memaikan FAILED SUMMONER COCATRICE FUNGUS FIEND BROWNIE di depan sebagai Tank dan masih banyak lagi monster earth dan netral dengan mana cap 1-2 yang bisa kalian gunakan.

In a match, don't just think about attack, sometimes defending will also be very effective. In this match, I used the effects of throne mylor and cornealus as the main weapons. You can also put the cornealus in front as a tank then the remaining 2 which can be installed monsters XENITH ARCHER GOBLIN DARTLING CRIPPING OOZE behind or play FAILED SUMMONER COCACRITE FUNGUS FIEND ​​BROWNIE up front as a Tank and many more earth and neutral monsters with 1-2 caps that you can use.


Thank you for reading my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and could give another view about this monster. Let me know if you got another view about this monster on comment section.
Don't forget to give your upvote for me because your upvote means a lot to me... Hahaha LOLz

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