A Rude Awakening | Ranked Reward Changes

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@Kxlm here, back with some more #Splinterlands goodness.

With the new ranked reward changes fast approaching, there is much to consider regarding "starter cards". In case you missed the update, below is a snippet from the March 23rd, Town Hall - where the details for ranked reward changes were first revealed.

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Source: Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - March 23rd, 2022

Linking back to my previous post, "Adapt And Overcome | Bronze League Guide", where we discussed the issue of bots in the Bronze League, these changes look to address this problem, but our fellow penny-pinching Padawans will also be affected.

The reality is that Splinterlands was never intended to be "Free-to-Play". Investment is required to grow and maintain the project (the same as any other video game), but, you also earn tangible rewards for your time and attention (unlike other video games 👍).

So in today's post, we look to highlight:

💠 Which starter cards you should invest in
💠 A huge consideration going forward
💠 The price to own a full starter card deck

⚔️ Let's get into it! ➡️

Disclaimer: The content of this post is not financial advice. All information shared is based on my personal opinion and experience. Please act responsibly and do your own research.

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The most blatantly obvious choice for "must have" cards are the Summoners. Summoners are a non-negotiable facet of every battle, so naturally they would be our first point of convergence. Taking into account that we will earn zero rewards for a full starter card lineup, it may be advantageous to secure 1 bcx of your most used Summoner/s.

Current average prices for 1 bcx:

General SloanChaos LegionLife4$2.2000.100 DEC
Mother KhalaUntamedLife3$4.1900.214 DEC
TarsaChaos LegionFire4$2.6270.100 DEC
PyreUntamedFire3$3.0000.205 DEC
Thaddius BroodChaos LegionDeath4$2.6800.105 DEC
Contessa L'amentUntamedDeath3$3.9400.201 DEC
ObsidianChaos LegionEarth4$3.5390.120 DEC
Wizard of EastwoodUntamedEarth3$4.6600.205 DEC
Kelya FrendulChaos LegionWater4$4.2000.105 DEC
BortusUntamedWater3$4.0000.201 DEC
Drake of ArnakUntamedDragon4$5.8300.185 DEC

Source: Splintercards / Peak Monsters

💠 From this data we can conclude that the Chaos Legion Summoners are significantly cheaper than the Untamed, with the exception of Kelya Frendul. I would also argue that all of the Chaos Legion Summoners are better than their Untamed counterparts, so take your pick of which Splinters you see yourself using the most.



These 1 mana bad boys are our most versatile assets, second only to the 0 mana fiends. They can be deployed in almost every battle, making them a strong consideration for investment.

Current average prices for 1 bcx:

Gargoya ScrapperChaos LegionLife$0.067$0.7230.100 DEC0.260 DEC
Radiated ScorcherChaos LegionFire$0.078$0.7500.100 DEC0.389 DEC
Carrion ShadeChaos LegionDeath$0.063$0.8440.100 DEC0.413 DEC
Cursed SlimeballUntamedDeath$0.420$10.7500.100 DEC1.272 DEC
Mycelic MorphoidChaos LegionEarth$0.075$1.0900.100 DEC0.629 DEC
Hardy StonefishChaos LegionWater$0.065$0.6960.100 DEC0.392 DEC
AlbatrossUntamedWater$0.781$9.5650.100 DEC1.436 DEC
Chaos AgentChaos LegionNeutral$0.128$2.0190.100 DEC0.392 DEC

Source: Splintercards / Peak Monsters

💠 Comparing the prices of Chaos Legion vs Untamed, you could definitely forgo the 2 Untamed cards, although Albatross is in a league of its own with flying and the ability to absorb snipe attacks. Coversely, Hardy Stonefish has 1 armor, so you could make a case for either.

NOTE: I have included the Gold Foil (GF) prices as they grant a 10% bonus in rewards, which could potentially offset the starter card reward deductions. The same logic can be applied to Summoners, but it is less advantageous. Meatshields tend to stay at level 1 throughout the growth of your account, thus requiring a one time investment. Summoners will need to be leveled over time, which requires multiple investments, and using gold foils to accomplish this is costly. (Credit for this amazing tip: @macfillet & @infidel1258)



Much like Summoners, every battle is going to require a Tank. The tricky part here is that your Tank selection changes, based on the battle's mana cap and ruleset. In the case of Summoners, where the "one size fits all" approach is sufficient, this is not always the case with Tanks.

As our aim is to determine the essential starters cards, we will focus on the tanks that will be utilized 80% of the time, rather than the entire list.

Current average prices for 1 bcx:

Chaos KnightChaos LegionLife$0.0720.100 DEC
ShieldbearerUntamedLife$6.7300.267 DEC
Living LavaUntamedFire$4.3500.220 DEC
Cursed WindekuChaos LegionDeath$0.8490.112 DEC
Bone GolemUntamedDeath$1.6080.255 DEC
Mycelic InfantryChaos LegionEarth$0.1660.130 DEC
Unicorn MustangUntamedEarth$10.5000.267 DEC
DiemonsharkChaos LegionWater$0.5660.112 DEC
Serpent of EldUntamedWater$2.9160.225 DEC

Source: Splintercards / Peak Monsters

💠 By now you will have identified the going theme in prices. Untamed cards are significantly more expensive than Chaos Legion. The 3 cards that stand out to me are Shieldbearer, Living Lava and Unicorn Mustang. Neither of these cards appear to have an obvious Chaos Legion replacement, making them all strong considerations for investment, over the options in Chaos Legion.


The next step is to identify the cards, outside of Summoners, Meatshields and Tanks, that you utilize the most, to reduce susceptibility to having your rewards cut back.

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In the latest Town Hall (link here), the devs gave hints to how the new ranked rewards system would opperate, regarding daily loot chests. It is my understanding that there will no longer be a disparity betweeen the number of chests that can be earned between each League. Instead, they will provide the same number of chests, but the higher leagues will maintain an increased chance to receieve better rewards from those chests.

This begs the question: "Is it feasible for players to now rely solely on loot chests to earn, and forgo their DEC rewards, by continuing to use only starter cards?"

This then leads me to ask: "Will this hinder or empower bot usage?"

We can can only specualte how things will unfold, so take these thoughts with a grain of salt, as nothing is finalized until it is released and further adjustments can be made in future updates.

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Obviously, the easiest approach would be to secure one copy of every starter card and be done with it, but for the sake of being frugal, a more judicious approach is required.

Summoners, Meatshields and Tanks are going to make the biggest impact in offsetting the starter card reward deductions, by virtue of necessity and versatility. From there, the choice is yours in which cards you want to target next.

I have taken the liberty of calculating the average price to purchase a complete starter card deck, as follows:

ElementPriceNumber of CardsCP

Source: Peak Monsters

*Add in Summoners and you are looking at roughly $87.00 in total.

A hefty sum, that not many of us can afford to front... but there is an alternative! ➡️


👉 Do not underestimate the power of renting. You can rent all of the cards you require, for a fraction of the buying price and if you are serious about maintaining the ability to earn rewards, this is a worthy option.

It is my prediction that we will see a vast increase in the renting of starters cards. This is consistent with the devs intentions to incentivize investment and will serve only as a benefit for all of us.

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We don't know the extent of which these changes to starter cards will affect our ability to earn. At the moment, we can only theory craft a way forward, based on the tidbits of information we have been provided so far.

Preperation is never a bad thing though. As the saying goes, "Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail", so maybe you do go ahead and invest in those essential starter cards, before the changes are implemented. At least then, you will be one step ahead of the market if it does turn out that in fact, these changes are a significant hinderous to earning rewards. At that point, everyone will be rushing to secure their starter cards, at an increased price, while you are sitting pretty with your handful of bargains.

You could also exercise patience; Wait it out and see what comes of it and react quickly!

My intention is not to sway you in either direction, but to give you options to consider, as I believe this next update to rewards will be a defining factor in the game going forward.

Continue growing your knowledge of the game and engaging in the community, to make the best decisions for your own journey.

I appreciate your time and attention and I look forward to growing more with you in the next post...

God Bless~



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