Adapt And Overcome | Bronze League Guide

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@Kxlm here, back with another spicy #Splinterlands post.

In today's article, we discuss the number one, undisputed and definitive solution to crushing it, against those annoyingly advanced automatons, AKA "Bots" 🤖

Bots have become a point of contention, creating a divide between the Splinterlands community. Amongst those opposed, are our fellow penny-pinching Padawans in the Bronze League. In addition to draining the ranked battle rewards pool, bots have become increasingly more difficult to contend with. This makes for a tedious, tiresome, and seemingly futile gaming experience. But fear not, young Padawans, for I have a solution for you!

Before we dive into that though, we need to understand:

💠 Why bots dominate the Bronze League ⚔️

💠 How the developers plan to combat this ⚖️

and then... 🥁

💠 The secret sauce to adapt and overcome! 🍝

Disclaimer: The content of this post is not financial advice. All information shared is based on my personal opinion and experience. Please act responsibly and do your own research.

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Bots have garnered a reputation for being unbeatable in the lower leagues, and rightly so. They leverage what is called an Application Programming Interface or API, which extracts the game's battle history to determine the optimal lineup. With bots, as well as the majority of Bronze players, using only the starter deck, the narrow variation allows them to select their lineup with pinpoint accuracy.

There is speculation that the bot count is somewhere in the hundreds of thousands. When taken into account, along with the API leveraging, we can empathize with Bronze players reaching the point of frustration, dissatisfaction, and ultimately wanting to quit.

But hold strong friends 💪 There is light at the end of the tunnel ➡️

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Aggroed (CEO of Splinterlands) has made it very clear, that the company aims to preserve one of its core values, which is decentralization. They have no desire to remove bots from the game.

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Source: Splinterlands Town Hall - April 25th, 2022

Instead, they are trying to make bots less desirable, by inhibiting their ability to farm rewards (as referenced in Splinterlands Town Hall, April 18th, 2022). In theory, this should disincentivize their use, as the cost to operate bots begins to outweigh their profitability, but as outlined above, "this will be a constant work-in-progress".

💡 Rather than relying on the developers to rectify our "problem", what can we do for ourselves? I give you... ➡️

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As mentioned in the "Why Are They Dominant" section, bots capitalize on their human counterpart's weaknesses, where the majority have a lack of knowledge and utilize only the starter deck. So, what if all of a sudden you were no longer a part of the majority, and in doing so, you were placed outside of the bot's domain of dominance. Therein lies the "secret" in the sauce.

The sauce is a "hard to swallow", but necessary truth. The secret is...


Invest in yourself by growing your knowledge of the game in all aspects. My previous post titled: "The More You Know, The More You Grow" is an excellent source of guidance to put you in good stead, going forward in your Splinterlands journey.

Once you have established a solid foundation, you can start investing in the bricks from which your house of success will be built.


Now, you don't need to go crazy, spending thousands of dollars at a time. Make a judgment call based on your financial situation. Maybe it's $100.00 a month - maybe it's only $5.00 a month. Either way, you are going to transform the power of your deck in a meaningful way!

My other post titled: "Underpriced, But Oh, So Nice!" can assist you in building a cheap, but effective Silver League deck, that will enable you to crush those bots and climb out of the Bronze League.

The aim here is to add depth to your deck, by diversifying your card options and, you don't need to break the bank to do it. In fact, this can be achieved with the addition of just one new card!


@VERSION1, recently posted a video that demonstrates exactly how this is done. The featured card of this video is the mighty, Djinn Oshannus, which is currently priced at $2.50 per bcx. If that is out of your price range, you can rent one for as little as 1 DEC ($0.001) per day!


Now, I hear you saying: "Well, Kxlm... What if I can't afford to invest anything at all?"


Scholarships are an amazing alternative to extract rewards from the game, without investing a single dime (excluding your spellbook of course). The only investment required is your time and attention.


There are many variations, depending on your agreement with the provider, but the basic idea is:

  • Person gives you access to an account.
  • You play the account.
  • Person pays you a percentage of the total rewards earned.

Most of the time, these scholarship accounts come with a fully-fledged deck for a particular league. This allows you to earn significant rewards, in comparison to playing in Bronze.

Things can begin to snowball rather quickly and before you know it, you're the owner of your own fully-fledged, bot-destroying deck!

💎 You can find a scholarship provider by simply asking around in the different Discord Channels 💎

My list of favorites: HERE

Note: You cannot send DEC, SPS or CARDS from a scholarship account. The key provided, limits your access to battles only.

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There is no denying that bots create obstacles for new players in the game, but like every obstacle, there is a solution to overcome them. Coming to terms with the fact that bots are here to stay; the only true way forward is to focus on the outcomes that you can control.

Dedicate your time to educating yourself in all aspects of the game. Invest in those pivotal cards to further the depth of your deck. Take advantage of scholarship programs and leverage those profits for your own gain. By doing all of these things, you turn what was once a problem, into a benefit. Bot battles become an easy 'W', making for some easy earnings!

Remember, this journey is a marathon, not a sprint. The seemingly trivial rewards, small earnings and tiny investments you make, over time, will snowball and eventually you will graduate from the status of Padawan to Master!


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Splinterlands can be tough starting out, so I want to do my part in lifting the Padawans of our community.

I will be giving away a "Kickstart Krate" - consisting of 4 cards (one of each rarity), hand-picked by myself, that I believe will help to kickstart your growth in this game. In addition to those 4 cards, you will also receive 500 DEC to help with renting, as you climb into higher leagues.

👉 To be in to win, simply leave a comment below with your IGN: and hashtag #padawanpower - It's that simple!

🕓 Entries close: Sunday at 12 pm CDT

📣 The winner will be announced in my next PeakD post, after the closing date.

🤞 I wish you all the best of luck 🤞

🛑 Note: This competition is intended for those players in the Bronze League. I will be checking collection power of all entrants to ensure this condition is met.

🖐 If you are interested in starting your #Splinterlands journey - Click Here Now!



@flauwy - Horizontal Divider - Link

@Version1 - Youtube Content - Link

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